在 as3 阶段移动多个符号

moving multiple symbols across stage as3

我正在开发一个简单的视频游戏,我需要以相同的速度在舞台上移动 50 多个符号。我想使用一个 as3 命令来同时定位所有符号。目前我已将符号一一添加:


stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, fl_SetKeyPressed_3);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, fl_UnsetKeyPressed_3);

 function fl_MoveInDirectionOfKey_3(event:Event)
    if  (rightPressed) {
        mc1.x = 5;
        mc2.x = 5;
        mc3.x = 5;
        mc4.x = 5; 
        and so on....,

如何一次性将函数应用于所有 mc 符号?


循环。当您需要以相同方式处理多个对象时,您可以使用 loops。循环是对任何(字面上任何)给定数量的对象执行相同操作过程的方法,无论是 2、10、100 还是 1000000。



var A:Array = [mc1, mc2, mc3, /* and so on */ , mc50];


幸运的是,你的剪辑很容易命名,所以你可以通过构造它们的名字然后通过方法 getChildByName(...);

// Define an empty Array.
var A:Array = new Array;

// A temporary variable to hold a name of the clip.
var aName:String;

// A temporary variable to refer your multiple clips one by one.
var anObject:DisplayObject;

// This loop performs 50 times with i bearing the value of
// 1, 2, 3 and so forth to 50 each separate time.
for (var i:int = 1; i <= 50; i++)
    // Construct a clip name from letters "mc" and the
    // text representation of i, so it first constructs "mc1"
    // then "mc2" then "mc3" and so forth up to "mc50".
    aName = "mc" + i;

    // This operation finds an object with the given instance name.
    anObject = getChildByName(aName);

    // Put the found object into the Array.

现在,如果你想从 50 上升到 150,只需将 i <= 50 更改为 i <= 150 即可它。

那么,如果这些片段确实以"mc"和一些数字命名,但您不确定这些数字是否从1到50没有任何差距?话说,没有"mc3"?上面的脚本将形成 Array,其中包含 null 个条目:[mc1, mc2, null, mc4, mc5, ... , mc50]。不好。不过,还有另一条路要走。

// Define an empty Array.
var A:Array = new Array;

// A temporary variable to hold a name of the clip.
var aName:String;

// A temporary variable to check if name is right.
var anIndex:int;

// A temporary variable to refer your multiple clips one by one.
var anObject:DisplayObject;

// This loop iterates i over the number of display children
// in the current display container. It is to get each child
// with no regard of its name and to process it.
for (var i:int = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
    // This operation gets a child by its z-index.
    anObject = getChildAt(i);

    // Now we should figure if that child has a name that
    // falls into "mc" + some number schema.

    // Extract a portion of name from 2-nd character and on.
    aName = aChild.name.substr(2);

    // Convert it to the integer value.
    anIndex = int(aName);

    // Construct a proper name.
    aName = "mc" + anIndex;

    // This check will pass for names like "mc1" or "mc50"
    // but will fail for "mcx10", for example.
    if (aChild.name == aName)
        // Put the found object into the Array.



如果所有这些剪辑都是同一个库对象的实例,或者可能是有限数量的库对象的实例,您可以为它们分配 class 名称(下面的示例用 2 class es: MCNumAMCNumb,还要记住 class 名称区分大小写)并检查 class es 而不是实例名称。好处:您不必彻底命名 50 多个对象。

import MCNumA;
import MCNumB;

// Define an empty Array.
var A:Array = new Array;

// Define a list of classes these objects belong to.
var classList:Array = [MCNumA, MCNumB];

// A temporary variable to iterate through class list.
var aClass:Class;

// A temporary variable to refer your multiple clips one by one.
var anObject:DisplayObject;

// This loop iterates i over the number of display children
// in the current display container. It is to get each child
// with no regard of its name and to process it.
for (var i:int = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
    // This operation gets a child by its z-index.
    anObject = getChildAt(i);

    // Iterate, get each class into aClass variable.
    for each (aClass in classList)
        // Check, if this child belongs to any of the classes.
        if (anObject is aClass)
            // Put the object into the Array.

            // Stop checking classes, we've found one already.
            // This breaks out of the inmost loop ("for each" one).

现在,不管怎样,我们有一个 Array 要影响的对象。剩下的就很简单了。

// Somewhere in your script.
if  (rightPressed)
    // When you have a list of them, it is THAT simple!
    // Iterate over all objects in A.
    for each (anObject in A)
        // Give each object a proper X-coordinate.
        anObject.x = 5;

如果您需要访问的基本功能较少,超出了 DisplayObject class 的功能,您需要指定(对于 FlashPlayer) class 这些对象实际上属于哪个。它被称为 "type casting":

// Iterate over all objects in A.
for each (anObject in A)
    // Type casting. It will elevate the object's class
    // if it is really a MovieClip, or will return null.
    var aClip:MovieClip = anObject as MovieClip;

    // This check will return true if reference is not null.
    if (aClip)
        // Stop the actual MovieClips.

如果您 100% 确定它们都是 MovieClip 的,您可以随意省略检查并使用正确键入的变量进行迭代:

// A temporary variable to iterate all the MovieClips.
var aClip:MovieClip;

// Iterate over all objects in A as MovieClips.
for each (aClip in A)
    // Stop the MovieClips.