如何确定马在 java 中到达棋盘上的任何位置需要多少步

How to determine how many moves it takes a knight to get anywhere on the board in java

我正在尝试创建一个程序,当给定国际象棋的位置 knight and the destination, all marked in chess notation 时,return 骑士从该位置到达目的地所需的移动次数。在使用该算法计算列表中的 每个 单一可能性之前,我曾尝试过,但它非常慢并且有点问题。这是我的代码:

private static int translateChessNotation(String chess) {
        int returned = 8 * (Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(chess.charAt(1)))- 1);
        return returned + (convertAlphabet(chess.charAt(0))); // File

public static int knight(String start, String finish) {
    int knightPosition = translateChessNotation(start), end = translateChessNotation(finish), i = 0;
    ArrayList<Integer> currentPossibleKnightPositions = new ArrayList<>();
    for (; i < 8; i++) {
        ArrayList<Integer> newList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int position : currentPossibleKnightPositions) {
            newList.add(position + 17);
            newList.add(position + 15);
            newList.add(position + 10);
            newList.add(position + 6);
            newList.add(position - 6);
            newList.add(position - 10);
            newList.add(position - 15);
            newList.add(position - 17);
        ArrayList<Integer> removed = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int j : newList) {if (j < 1 || j > 64) {removed.add(j);}}
        for (int n : currentPossibleKnightPositions) {
            if (n == end) {return i + 1;}
    return -1;


这里有一些 Proggy 可以解决所谓的 Knights-Tour 问题,从特定位置开始访问棋盘上的所有方块,因此您可以对其进行调整以将特定的 to-position 设置为结束条件。

这只是蛮力,尝试所有可能的组合,大约需要 50 分钟才能找到每个完整的 Knights-Tour 解决方案。


import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

public class KnightMove {

    private static final class KnightMoveSolvedException extends RuntimeException {

        private final byte[][] solution;

        private KnightMoveSolvedException(final byte[][] solution) {
            this.solution = solution;

    private static final int      SIZE_X       = 8;
    private static final int      SIZE_Y       = 8;
    private static final int      SIZE_X_Y     = SIZE_X * SIZE_Y; // Max 127! (=0x7F)

    private static final int [][] KNIGHT_MOVES = new int[8][];
    /**/    static {     
        final AtomicInteger moveIndex = new AtomicInteger();

        IntStream.of(2, -2).forEach(deltaX ->
        IntStream.of(1, -1).forEach(deltaY -> {
             * Mirror the 4 combinations above to get all 8 possible Knight moves...
            KNIGHT_MOVES[moveIndex.getAndIncrement()] = new int[] {deltaX, deltaY};
            KNIGHT_MOVES[moveIndex.getAndIncrement()] = new int[] {deltaY, deltaX};  

    private static void nextMoveToXY(int moveCount, final int x, final int y, final byte[][] board) {

        board[x][y] = (byte) moveCount;

        if (moveCount >= SIZE_X_Y) {

            System.out.println("Solved!.....: count=" + moveCount);

            for (    final byte[] column : board ) {
                for (final byte   square : column) {
                    System.out.print(square + "\t");
            return;  // (Back up & keep looking for next solution)
             * If 1 solution is enough, just throw the Exception...
//          throw new KnightMoveSolvedException(board);

        for (final int[] knightMove : KNIGHT_MOVES) {

            final int newX = x + knightMove[0];  if (newX < 0 || newX >= SIZE_X) {continue;}
            final int newY = y + knightMove[1];  if (newY < 0 || newY >= SIZE_Y) {continue;}

            if (board[newX][newY] == 0) {
                 * Target Square is vacant, so try this move recursively...
                nextMoveToXY(moveCount, newX, newY, deepPrimitive2DArrayClone(board));

     * {@link Object#clone()} can create a Deep Clone of a 1D array of Primitives
     * but will <b>not</b> deliver the desired result with 2D,
     * so we have to wrap the rest by hand...
    private static byte[][] deepPrimitive2DArrayClone(final byte[][] source) {

        final byte[][] clone = new byte[source.length][];
        /**/  int      cix   = 0;

        for (final byte[]  col : source) {
            clone[cix++] = col.clone();
        return clone;

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {

        IntStream.range(0, SIZE_X).forEach(x ->
        IntStream.range(0, SIZE_Y).forEach(y -> {
            try {
                System.out.println("Solve starting at X/Y.: " + x +"/" + y);

                nextMoveToXY(0, x, y, new byte[SIZE_X][SIZE_Y]);
            catch (final KnightMoveSolvedException e) {

(64 位,刚好可以代表电路板)

新版本 显着 更快。

根据起始坐标,解决方案需要 1 分钟到 12 小时...


- 如果可以的话,使用基元(byte、short、int、long,...):它们非常快
- 使用蛮力时避免像 ArrayList 这样的对象:它们非常慢
- 使用递归:它为您保存和恢复状态。它可能会花费一些钱,但它会让生活变得更轻松
- 尽可能使用 final :它不会更快,但有助于理解

希望你喜欢。 :-)

我现在已经磨练了这个东西。它 大大 比原来的速度更快(一点也不逊色!),使用 Warnsdorff 算法 & 可以解决多个起始位置,运行 同时在所有可用线程上。

递归 nextMoveToXY 求解器方法本身非常简单。

Warnsdorff 版本:

import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.IntConsumer;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

public class KnightsTourWarnsdorff {

    private interface IntIntConsumer {
        void accept(int t, int u);

    private static final int MAX_INSTANT_TO_STRING_LENGTH = "2020-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z".length();

    private static final int SIZE_X   = 8;
    private static final int SIZE_Y   = 8;
    private static final int SIZE_X_Y = SIZE_X * SIZE_Y;
    /**/    static {   check_SIZE_X_Y_withinCapacity();}

     * Do this in a Method (we don't want to mark the Class with SuppressWarnings)
    private static void check_SIZE_X_Y_withinCapacity() {
        if (SIZE_X_Y > Long.SIZE) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Number of squares on board exceeds capacity of long Solution");

     * Returns the unique offset corresponding to a Move or our position on the Board.
    private static int  getDeltaXY(final int deltaX, final int deltaY) {
        return deltaX + deltaY * SIZE_X;  /* Yes, SIZE_X ! */

     * Returns a long with a single bit set, corresponding to our position on the Board.
    private static long getXYmaskBit(final int x, final int y) {
        return 1L << (63 - getDeltaXY(x, y));

    private static void walkBoard(final IntIntConsumer doXY) {
        walkBoard(null, doXY, null);
    private static void walkBoard(final IntConsumer doRowStart, final IntIntConsumer doXY, final Runnable doRowEnd) {

        IntStream    .range(0, SIZE_Y).forEach(y -> {if (doRowStart != null) {doRowStart.accept(  y);}
            IntStream.range(0, SIZE_X).forEach(x -> {if (doXY       != null) {doXY      .accept(x,y);}
            });                                      if (doRowEnd   != null) {doRowEnd  .run   (   );}

    private static String toBinary(final long value) {
        return leftPad(Long.SIZE, Long.toBinaryString(value)).replace('0', '_');
    private static String leftPad (final int  paddedLength, final String value) {

        final int                          padCount = Math.max(0, paddedLength - value.length());
        final char[]                       pad      = new char[padCount]; 
        Arrays.fill                       (pad, '0');
        return              String.valueOf(pad).concat(value);
    private static String rightPad (final int  paddedLength, final String value) {

        final int                          padCount = Math.max(0, paddedLength - value.length());
        final char[]                       pad      = new char[padCount]; 
        Arrays.fill                       (pad, '0');
        return value.concat(String.valueOf(pad));
    private static String header () {
        return rightPad (MAX_INSTANT_TO_STRING_LENGTH, Instant.now().toString()) + " " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " ";

     * Square on Board not only knows its x/y location, but also its position as an xyMask<br>
     * (for checking whether a square is occupied & marking as occupied).<br>
     * <br>
     * It knows all possible Moves from this Square within the Board<br>
     * (thus obviating the need to check whether we're still on the Board).<br>
     * <br>
     * Each Specific Move contains a reference to the Target Square, which in turn...<br>
     * (these 2 measures speed up Navigation massively)
    private static final class Square {

        private           final int    x;
        private           final int     y;
         * Used to mark the Square as occupied on the Board
        private           final long   xyMask;
         * All possible Moves from this Square.<br>
         * (initially all null: filled after all Squares have been instantiated)
        private           final Move[] targetMove;

        private Square(final int x, final int y) {

            this.x       =              x;
            this. y      =                 y;
            this.xyMask  = getXYmaskBit(x, y);

            this.targetMove = KNIGHT_MOVE_MAP.values().stream().filter(move -> {

                final int  newX =  x + move.deltaX;
                final int  newY =  y + move.deltaY;

                return     newX >= 0  &&  newX < SIZE_X
                        && newY >= 0  &&  newY < SIZE_Y;


     * Either a Generic or a Specific Move
    private static final class Move {

        private final int    deltaX;
        private final int    deltaY;
        private final int    deltaXY;
        private final Square target;

         * Create a Generic Move
        private Move(final int deltaX, final int deltaY) {
            this.deltaX  = deltaX;
            this.deltaY  = deltaY;
            this.deltaXY = getDeltaXY(deltaX, deltaY);
            this.target  = null;

         * Create a Move to a specific Target Square
        private Move(final Move genericMove, final Square target) {
            this.deltaX  = genericMove.deltaX;
            this.deltaY  = genericMove.deltaY;
            this.deltaXY = genericMove.deltaXY;
            this.target  = target;

    private static final class KnightMoveSolvedException extends RuntimeException {

        private final int[] solution;

        private KnightMoveSolvedException(final int moveCount, final int[] solution) {
             * Trim the solution array down to the number of moves...
             * (for those performing a partial walk)
            this.solution = Arrays.stream(solution).limit(moveCount).toArray();

            synchronized (KnightMoveSolvedException.class) { // One Thread (= Solution) at a time please!
                final int  solution0   = this.solution[0];
                final Move initialMove = BOARD_MAP.get(solution0);
                final int  initialX    = initialMove.deltaX;
                final int  initialY    = initialMove.deltaY;

                System.out.println(header() + "Solution found for....: x/y: " + initialX + "/" + initialY + "  \t" + toBinary(0L) + "  \tlength=" + this.solution.length + "  \t" + solution0);
        private void printSolutionDetail() {

            int  x     = 0;
            int  y     = 0;
            long board = 0;

            for (int i=0; i < this.solution.length; i++) {

                final int  positionOrMove = this.solution[i];
                final Move move           = i == 0  ?  BOARD_MAP.get(positionOrMove)  :  KNIGHT_MOVE_MAP.get(positionOrMove);
                /**/       x              = i == 0  ?  move.deltaX                    :  x + move.deltaX;
                /**/       y              = i == 0  ?  move.deltaY                    :  y + move.deltaY;

                board |= getXYmaskBit(x, y);

                System.out.println(header() + "Solution walk.........: x/y: " + x + "/" + y + "  \t" + toBinary(board) + "  \t" + move.deltaX + "\t" + move.deltaY + "\t" + positionOrMove);

    private static final Map<Integer, Move> KNIGHT_MOVE_MAP;
    /**/    static {
        final Map<Integer, Move> Knight_Move_Map = new TreeMap<>();

        IntStream.of(2, -2).forEach(deltaX ->
        IntStream.of(1, -1).forEach(deltaY -> {
             * Mirror the 4 combinations above to get all 8 possible Knight moves...
            {final Move move = new Move(deltaX, deltaY);  Knight_Move_Map.put(move.deltaXY, move);}
            {final Move move = new Move(deltaY, deltaX);  Knight_Move_Map.put(move.deltaXY, move);}
        KNIGHT_MOVE_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(Knight_Move_Map);

    private static final Map<Integer, Move> BOARD_MAP;
    /**/    static {
        final Map<Integer, Move> Board_Map = new TreeMap<>();

        walkBoard((x,y) -> {
            final Move move = new Move(x, y);
            Board_Map.put(move.deltaXY, move);

        BOARD_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(Board_Map);

    private static final Square[][] BOARD = new Square[SIZE_X] [SIZE_Y];
    /**/    static {
         * Fill the Board with Squares...
        walkBoard(   (x,y) -> BOARD[x][y] = new Square(x, y));

        /**/                                                       System.out.println("Onward Target Count:");
        walkBoard(   (  y) -> {                                    System.out.print  (                       y + " :  ");},
                /**/ (x,y) -> {final Square square = BOARD[x][y];  System.out.print  (square.targetMove.length +   "  ");},
                /**/ (   ) -> {                                    System.out.println()                                 ;} );
         * So far the Target Moves array is filled with nulls. We MUST fill it...
        Arrays.stream(BOARD).flatMap(Arrays::stream).forEach(square -> {

            final Move[] targetsSortedByOnwardPointCount = Arrays
                    .sorted((moveA, moveB) -> {
                         * We use the Warnsdorff algorithm to sort it by the number of Onward Targets...
                        final Square targetA = BOARD[square.x + moveA.deltaX] [square.y + moveA.deltaY];
                        final Square targetB = BOARD[square.x + moveB.deltaX] [square.y + moveB.deltaY];

                        return Integer.compare(
                                targetA.targetMove.length,   // number of Onward Targets
                                targetB.targetMove.length);  // number of Onward Targets
                    .map(move -> new Move(move, BOARD[square.x + move.deltaX] [square.y + move.deltaY]))
             * Original & sorted arrays should be the same length if we got it right,
             * so take max. length as a precaution to force an IndexOutOfBoundsException if we didn't...
            final int copyLength = Math.max(square.targetMove.length, targetsSortedByOnwardPointCount.length);
             * Overwrite the original Moves with the sorted version...
            System.arraycopy(targetsSortedByOnwardPointCount, 0, square.targetMove, 0, copyLength);

    private final int[] SOLUTION = new int[SIZE_X_Y];

    private        void solve(final int initialX, final int initialY) {

        final long initialBoard = getXYmaskBit(initialX, initialY);

        System.out.println(header() + "Solve starting at.....: x/y: " + initialX +"/" + initialY + "\t" + toBinary(initialBoard));

        try {
            SOLUTION    [0] =  getDeltaXY(initialX, initialY);  // First Entry contains Starting-Point
            nextMoveToXY(0,         BOARD[initialX][initialY], initialBoard);
        catch (final KnightMoveSolvedException justIgnore_WereDone) {}

    private        void nextMoveToXY(int moveCount, final Square square, final long board) {


        if (moveCount >= SIZE_X_Y) {
            final KnightMoveSolvedException solution = new KnightMoveSolvedException(moveCount, SOLUTION);

//          return;  // (Back up & keep looking for next solution)
             * If 1 solution is enough, just throw the Exception...
            throw solution;

        for (final Move move : square.targetMove) {
             * Is Target Square vacant? (i.e. Mask Bit not set)...
            if ((board & move.target.xyMask) == 0) {
                 * Yes: try next move recursively with new Position & Board...
                SOLUTION    [moveCount] = move.deltaXY;

                nextMoveToXY(moveCount, move.target, board | move.target.xyMask /* Set Mask Bit on new Board */);

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {

        final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());

         * We can handle rectangular boards, but for square boards the following holds:
         * we only need to solve for 1/8 of the board (a triangle)...
         * (the remaining 7/8 are either Mirrors or Rotations of the 1/8)
        IntStream    .range(0, SIZE_X / 2).forEach(x -> {
            IntStream.range(0, x + 1     ).forEach(y -> {
                pool.submit(() -> {
                    try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); } catch (final InterruptedException e) {}
                     * (Sleep very briefly, so our Thread won't start before the Output below has finished)
                    new KnightsTourWarnsdorff().solve(x, y);
                System.out.print("x=" + x + " y=" + y + "\t");


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

public class KnightsTour {

    private static final class KnightMoveSolvedException extends RuntimeException {

        private final int[][] solution;

        private KnightMoveSolvedException(final int[][] solution) {
            this.solution = deepPrimitive2DArrayClone  (solution);

    private static final int      SIZE_X   = 8;
    private static final int      SIZE_Y   = 8;
    private static final int      SIZE_X_Y = SIZE_X * SIZE_Y;
    private static final int[][]  SOLUTION = new int[SIZE_X_Y][];
    private static final int      INDEX_X  = 0;
    private static final int      INDEX_Y  = 1;

    private static final int      KNIGHT_MOVES_LENGTH = 8;
    private static final int [][] KNIGHT_MOVES        = new int[KNIGHT_MOVES_LENGTH][];
    /**/    static {

        final AtomicInteger moveIndex = new AtomicInteger();

        IntStream.of(2, -2).forEach(deltaX ->
        IntStream.of(1, -1).forEach(deltaY -> {
             * Mirror the 4 combinations above to get all 8 possible Knight moves...
            KNIGHT_MOVES[moveIndex.getAndIncrement()] = new int[] {deltaX, deltaY};
            KNIGHT_MOVES[moveIndex.getAndIncrement()] = new int[] {deltaY, deltaX};

    private static void checkLongSolutionCapacity() {
        if (SIZE_X_Y > Long.SIZE) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Number of squares on board exceeds capacity of long Solution");

    private static long getXYmaskBit(final int x, final int y) {
        return Long.MIN_VALUE >>> (x + y * SIZE_X /* Yes, SIZE-X ! */);

    public  static void solve(final int initialX, final int initialY) {

        final long initialBoard = getXYmaskBit(initialX, initialY);

        System.out.println("Solve starting at X/Y.: " + initialX +"/" + initialY + "\t" + toBinary(initialBoard));

        try {
            SOLUTION    [0] =  new int[] {initialX, initialY};  // First Entry contains Starting-Point
            nextMoveToXY(0,               initialX, initialY, initialBoard);
        catch (final KnightMoveSolvedException e) {
            System.out.println("One possible solution.: " + e.solution);
    private static void nextMoveToXY(int moveCount, final int x, final int y, final long board) {


        if (moveCount >= SIZE_X_Y) {
            System.out.println("Solved!...............: count=" + moveCount);
             * Print the answer or remember it somewhere...
            final     int  initialX  = SOLUTION[0][INDEX_X];
            final     int  initialY  = SOLUTION[0][INDEX_Y];

            for(final int[] move     : SOLUTION) {
                final int  solutionX = move[INDEX_X];
                final int  solutionY = move[INDEX_Y];

                System.out.println("Move (starting at X/Y): " + initialX +"/" + initialY + "\t" + toBinary(board) + "\t" + solutionX + "\t" + solutionY);
//          return;  // (Back up & keep looking for next solution)
             * If 1 solution is enough, just throw the Exception...
            throw new KnightMoveSolvedException(SOLUTION);

        for(final int[] move   : KNIGHT_MOVES) {
            final int   deltaX = move[INDEX_X];  final int newX = x + deltaX;  if (newX < 0 || newX >= SIZE_X) {continue;}
            final int   deltaY = move[INDEX_Y];  final int newY = y + deltaY;  if (newY < 0 || newY >= SIZE_Y) {continue;}
             * ok: Checks above mean we're on the board, so lets find the new Position Mask...
            final long   newXYmaskBit = getXYmaskBit(newX, newY);
             * Is Target Square vacant (= Mask Bit not set)?...
            if ((board & newXYmaskBit) == 0) {
                 * Yes: try next move recursively with new Position & Board...
                SOLUTION    [moveCount] = move;

                nextMoveToXY(moveCount, newX, newY, board | newXYmaskBit /* Set Mask Bit on new Board */);

    public  static String toHex   (final int  value) {
        return leftPad(Integer.BYTES * 2, Integer.toHexString   (value));
    public  static String toHex   (final long value) {
        return leftPad(Long   .BYTES * 2, Long   .toHexString   (value));
    public  static String toBinary(final int  value) {
        return leftPad(Integer.SIZE,      Integer.toBinaryString(value));
    public  static String toBinary(final long value) {
        return leftPad(Long   .SIZE,      Long   .toBinaryString(value));
    private static String leftPad (final int  paddedLength, final String binaryOrHex) {

        final char[]          lead = new char[paddedLength - binaryOrHex.length()]; 
        Arrays.fill          (lead, '0');
        return String.valueOf(lead).concat(binaryOrHex).replace('0', '_');

     * {@link Object#clone()} can create a Deep Clone of a 1D array of Primitives
     * but with 2D will only provide a Shallow Copy (meaning if the content of source
     * changes, the content of clone will change!!) so we have to wrap 2D by hand...
    private static int[][] deepPrimitive2DArrayClone(final int[][] source) {

        final int[][] clone = new int[source.length][];
        /**/  int     cix   = 0;

        for (final int[]   col : source) {
            clone[cix++] = col.clone();  // (ok: 1D, so Deep Clone)
        return clone;

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {

        solve(0, 1);  // Fast!: 2 Minutes
        solve(0, 3);  // Fast!: 1 Minute

        IntStream.range(0, SIZE_X).forEach(x ->
        IntStream.range(0, SIZE_Y).forEach(y -> {
            solve(x, y);


 public static int knight(String...pos) {
        int[][] ab=Stream.of(pos).map(s->new int[]{"abcdefgh".indexOf(s.charAt(0)),s.charAt(1)-48}).toArray(int[][]::new);
        int[] dxy=IntStream.range(0,2).map(i->Math.abs(ab[0][i]-ab[1][i])).sorted().toArray();
        if(dxy[0]==0&&dxy[1]==1) return 3;
        if(dxy[0]==2&&dxy[1]==2||dxy[0]==1&&dxy[1]==1&&(pos[0]+pos[1]).matches(".*?(a1|h1|a8|h8).*")) return 4;
        int delta=dxy[1]-dxy[0];
        return delta-2*(int)Math.floor(1.0*(delta-dxy[0])/(dxy[0]>delta?3:4));