
Is covariance all about accepting values?


我正在通过 CLR via C# 书学习 C#。我看到了以下摘录:

Since T is covariant, it is possible to have the following code compile and run successfully:

// This method accepts an IEnumerable of any reference type
Int32 Count(IEnumerable<Object> collection) { ... }

// The call below passes an IEnumerable<String> to Count
Int32 c = Count(new[] { "Grant" }); 

我在这里很困惑。因为协方差是关于具有作为所需类型的基本类型之一的类型。因此,协方差仅在 return 类型的上下文中使用。虽然在上面的示例中我们有一个 String(从 Object 派生,因此它是逆变的,但不是协变的)用于传递参数的上下文(但不是 return ing 值)。




Contravariant Meaning that the generic type parameter can change from a class to a class derived from it. In C#, you indicate contravariant generic type parameters with the in keyword. Contravariant generic type parameters can appear only in input positions such as a method’s argument.

Covariant Meaning that the generic type argument can change from a class to one of its base classes. In C#, you indicate covariant generic type parameters with the out keyword. Covariant


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IEnumerable<Cat> is a subtype of IEnumerable<Animal>. The subtyping is preserved because IEnumerable<T> is covariant on T.

C# 中针对这些概念的两个关键字是 out 协变和 in 逆变。在 IEnumerable<T> 的情况下,这转换为 IEnumerable<out T>




Covariant Meaning that the generic type parameter can be a certain class and all the derived classes from it (IEnumerable<Object> can be a IEnumerable<String> since String is a subtype of Object). In C#, you indicate covariant generic type parameters with the out keyword.

Contravariant Meaning that the generic type argument can change from a class to one of its base classes. In C#, you indicate contravariant generic type parameters with the in keyword.