strcat 将垃圾添加到字符串中

strcat adds junk to the string


例如:"Hello World" => "olleH dlroW"


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char * reverseWords(const char *text);
char * reverseWord(char *word);

int main () {
  char *text = "Hello World";
  char *result = reverseWords(text);
  char *expected_result = "olleH dlroW";
  printf("%s == %s\n", result, expected_result);
  printf("%d\n", strcmp(result, expected_result));
  return 0;

char *
reverseWords (const char *text) {
  // This function takes a string and reverses it words.
  int i, j;
  size_t len = strlen(text);
  size_t text_size = len * sizeof(char);
  // output containst the output or the result
  char *output;

  // temp_word is a temporary variable,
  // it contains each word and it will be
  // empty after each space.
  char *temp_word;

  // temp_char is a temporary variable,
  // it contains the current character
  // within the for loop below.
  char temp_char;

  // allocating memory for output.
  output = (char *) malloc (text_size + 1);

  for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {

    // if the text[i] is space, just append it
    if (text[i] == ' ') {
      output[i] = ' ';

    // if the text[i] is NULL, just get out of the loop
    if (text[i] == '[=10=]') {

    // allocate memory for the temp_word
    temp_word = (char *) malloc (text_size + 1);

    // set j to 0, so we can iterate only on the word
    j = 0;

    // while text[i + j] is not space or NULL, continue the loop
    while((text[i + j] != ' ') && (text[i + j] != '[=10=]')) {

      // assign and cast test[i+j] to temp_char as a character,
      // (it reads it as string by default)
      temp_char = (char) text[i+j];

      // concat temp_char to the temp_word
      strcat(temp_word, &temp_char); // <= PROBLEM

      // add one to j

    // after the loop, concat the reversed version
    // of the word to the output
    strcat(output, reverseWord(temp_word));

    // if text[i+j] is space, concat space to the output
    if (text[i+j] == ' ')
      strcat(output, " ");

    // free the memory allocated for the temp_word

    // add j to i, so u can skip 
    // the character that already read.
    i += j;

  return output;

char *
reverseWord (char *word) {
  int i, j;
  size_t len = strlen(word);
  char *output;

  output = (char *) malloc (len + 1);

  j = 0;
  for(i = (len - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
    output[j++] = word[i];

  return output;

问题出在我用 <= PROBLEM 标记的行上,在本例中是 "Hello" 的第一个词,它做的一切都很好。

在本例中为 "World" 的第二个单词上,它向 temp_word 添加垃圾字符, 我用 gdb 检查了它,temp_char 不包含垃圾,但是当 strcat 运行时,附加到 temp_word 的最新字符类似于 W[=17= ]6,

它将 [=18=]6 附加到第二个单词中的所有字符,

我在终端上看到的输出很好,但是打印出 strcmp 并将 resultexpected_result returns -94 分开。

strcat() 期望 "C"-字符串的第一个字符的地址,实际上是 char-数组,至少有一个元素等于 '[=16=]'




      temp_word = (char *) malloc (text_size + 1);


      temp_word = malloc (text_size + 1); /* Not the issue but the cast is 
                                             just useless in C. */
      temp_word[0] = '[=11=]';


        strcat(temp_word, &temp_char);


        strcat(temp_word, (char[2]){temp_char});


函数 strcat 处理字符串。


  // assign and cast test[i+j] to temp_char as a character,
  // (it reads it as string by default)
  temp_char = (char) text[i+j];

  // concat temp_char to the temp_word
  strcat(temp_word, &temp_char); // <= PROBLEM

指针 temp_word 和指针 &temp_char 均未指向字符串。

此外,数组 output 未附加终止零字符,例如当源字符串由空白组成时。

无论如何,你的方法太复杂了,并且有很多冗余代码,例如 for 循环中的条件和 if 语句中的条件相互重复。

  for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {


    // if the text[i] is NULL, just get out of the loop
    if (text[i] == '[=11=]') {


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char * reverse_words( const char *s )
    char *result = malloc( strlen( s ) + 1 );

    if ( result != NULL )
        char *p = result;

        while ( *s != '[=12=]' )
            while ( isblank( ( unsigned char )*s ) )
                *p++ = *s++;

            const char *q = s;

            while ( !isblank( ( unsigned char )*q ) && *q != '[=12=]' ) ++q;

            for ( const char *tmp = q; tmp != s; )
                *p++ = *--tmp;

            s = q;

        *p = '[=12=]';

    return result;

int main(void) 
    const char *s = "Hello World";

    char *result = reverse_words( s );

    puts( s );
    puts( result );

    free( result );

    return 0;


Hello World
olleH dlroW

垃圾字符的根本原因是您对 strcat 函数的第二个参数使用了错误的输入。请参阅下面的解释:


  int i, j;
  size_t len = strlen(text);
  size_t text_size = len * sizeof(char);
  // output containst the output or the result
  char *output;

  // temp_word is a temporary variable,
  // it contains each word and it will be
  // empty after each space.
  char *temp_word;

  // temp_char is a temporary variable,
  // it contains the current character
  // within the for loop below.
  char temp_char;


printf("&temp_char=%p,&temp_word=%p,&output=%p,&text_size=%p\n", &temp_char, &temp_word,&output,&text_size);


 // concat temp_char to the temp_word
  strcat(temp_word, &temp_char); // <= PROBLEM

在此处参考 strcat 描述:

strcat 第二个参数 = &temp_char = 0x7ffeea172a9f。 strcat 认为 &temp_char(0x7ffeea172a9f) 是源字符串的起点, 而不是像你期望的那样只添加一个字符,它将附加到 temp_word 所有从 &[ 开始的字符=28=](0x7ffeea172a9f) ,直到遇到终止空字符