JSON_ARRAY_APPEND() 如果目标值为空则拒绝 Mysql

JSON_ARRAY_APPEND() reject if target value is null Mysql

这是场景,将用户 ID 添加到 user_details。如果 external_id 不存在于配置文件 table 中并且它 returns null(select 语句 returns null)怎么办?


UPDATE column1 SET user_details= JSON_SET(user_details, "$.ids", IFNULL(user_details->'$.ids',JSON_ARRAY())),
user_details= JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(user_details, "$.ids", (Select id from column2 where external_id='999999999999999'))
where id = 880; 


UPDATE 语句的 WHERE 子句中检查这一点。

UPDATE column1 SET user_details= JSON_SET(user_details, "$.ids", IFNULL(user_details->'$.ids',JSON_ARRAY())),
user_details= JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(user_details, "$.ids", (Select id from column2 where external_id='999999999999999'))
where id = 880
AND EXISTS (Select id from column2 where external_id='999999999999999')

或者使用 JOIN 而不是嵌套子查询。

UPDATE column1 AS c1
CROSS JOIN column2 AS c2
SET user_details= JSON_SET(c1.user_details, "$.ids", IFNULL(c1.user_details->'$.ids',JSON_ARRAY())),
    c1.user_details= JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(c1.user_details, "$.ids",c2.id)
WHERE c1..id = 880
AND c2.external_id = '999999999999999'