将 <time> 之后修改的所有文件夹移动到新文件夹

move all folders modified after <time> to new folder

我需要编写一个脚本来移动给定父目录中在给定时间后修改的所有文件夹。 我想使用 bash 或 Python.


forall ${DIR} in ${PARENT_DIR}
If ${DIR} is modified after ${TIME}
move ${DIR} to ${NEW_DIR}

它必须每 15 分钟检查一次目录的修改并移动任何新创建的目录。


import os
from shutil import move
from time import time

def mins_since_mod(fname):
    """Return time from last modification in minutes"""
    return (time() - os.path.getmtime(fname)) / 60

PARENT_DIR = '/some/directory'
MOVE_DIR = '/where/to/move'

# Loop over files in PARENT_DIR
for fname in os.listdir(PARENT_DIR):
    # If the file is a directory and was modified in last 15 minutes
    if os.path.isdir(fname) and mins_since_mod(fname) < 15:
        move(fname, MOVE_DIR) # move it to a new location