自动更正 python 库抛出错误而不是更正单词
Autocorrect python library throwing error instead of correcting the word
我不太确定为什么这个自动更正不起作用,但每次我尝试使用 Speller()
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
import time
from autocorrect import Speller
def main(consoleMode):
if consoleMode:
# beg fur input :D
inputVar = input("Console Mode input: ")
if Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hi" or Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hello" or Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "wassup" or Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "sup":
if name == None:
name = int(input("Hello!\nI'd like to get to know you.\nWhat's your name?\n> "))
if ("not" in Speller(name) and "tell" in Speller(name)) or ("not" in Speller(name) and "say" in Speller(name)):
print("Alright, I'll just call you Bob for now :)")
name = "Bob"
print("Hey " + name + "!")
while True:
编辑:我也试过 int(disisastringvariable)
你可能想查看 autocorrect
模块的文档 speller
class 初始化签名是 def __init__(self, threshold=0, lang='en'):
所以在创建 [=22 的实例时=] 并传入一个参数,它将假定您传入的是阈值。
因此调用 Speller("something")
将传递一个字符串,该字符串将被存储为阈值。然后在 init 方法的第 27 行。 if threshold > 0
该字符串将与 int 进行比较。因此错误。因为你不能在字符串和 int 之间做 >。
>>> spell = Speller(lang='en')
>>> spell("I'm not sleapy and tehre is no place I'm giong to.")
"I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to."
您正在尝试将要检查的代码传递给 Speller
import time
from autocorrect import Speller
my_speller = Speller(lang='en')
name = None
def main(consoleMode):
global name
if consoleMode:
# beg fur input :D
inputVar = input("Console Mode input: ")
if my_speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hi" or my_speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hello" or my_speller(inputVar.lower()) == "wassup" or my_speller(inputVar.lower()) == "sup":
if name == None:
name = input("Hello!\nI'd like to get to know you.\nWhat's your name?\n> ")
if ("not" in my_speller(name) and "tell" in my_speller(name)) or ("not" in my_speller(name) and "say" in my_speller(name)):
print("Alright, I'll just call you Bob for now :)")
name = "Bob"
print("Hey " + name + "!")
while True:
您还遇到了在声明之前使用变量 name
的问题 - 我认为您希望拥有它的全局实例并在对主函数的所有调用中使用它。
我不太确定为什么这个自动更正不起作用,但每次我尝试使用 Speller()
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
import time
from autocorrect import Speller
def main(consoleMode):
if consoleMode:
# beg fur input :D
inputVar = input("Console Mode input: ")
if Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hi" or Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hello" or Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "wassup" or Speller(inputVar.lower()) == "sup":
if name == None:
name = int(input("Hello!\nI'd like to get to know you.\nWhat's your name?\n> "))
if ("not" in Speller(name) and "tell" in Speller(name)) or ("not" in Speller(name) and "say" in Speller(name)):
print("Alright, I'll just call you Bob for now :)")
name = "Bob"
print("Hey " + name + "!")
while True:
编辑:我也试过 int(disisastringvariable)
你可能想查看 autocorrect
模块的文档 speller
class 初始化签名是 def __init__(self, threshold=0, lang='en'):
所以在创建 [=22 的实例时=] 并传入一个参数,它将假定您传入的是阈值。
因此调用 Speller("something")
将传递一个字符串,该字符串将被存储为阈值。然后在 init 方法的第 27 行。 if threshold > 0
该字符串将与 int 进行比较。因此错误。因为你不能在字符串和 int 之间做 >。
>>> spell = Speller(lang='en')
>>> spell("I'm not sleapy and tehre is no place I'm giong to.")
"I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to."
您正在尝试将要检查的代码传递给 Speller
import time
from autocorrect import Speller
my_speller = Speller(lang='en')
name = None
def main(consoleMode):
global name
if consoleMode:
# beg fur input :D
inputVar = input("Console Mode input: ")
if my_speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hi" or my_speller(inputVar.lower()) == "hello" or my_speller(inputVar.lower()) == "wassup" or my_speller(inputVar.lower()) == "sup":
if name == None:
name = input("Hello!\nI'd like to get to know you.\nWhat's your name?\n> ")
if ("not" in my_speller(name) and "tell" in my_speller(name)) or ("not" in my_speller(name) and "say" in my_speller(name)):
print("Alright, I'll just call you Bob for now :)")
name = "Bob"
print("Hey " + name + "!")
while True:
您还遇到了在声明之前使用变量 name
的问题 - 我认为您希望拥有它的全局实例并在对主函数的所有调用中使用它。