
Multivariate Linear Regression Cost Too High

我正在使用 this link、imports-85.data 中提供的数据集进行价格预测。

使用 horsepowercurb-weightengine-sizehighway-mpg,我尝试归一化(由于成本高)和 运行 梯度下降通过实现以下算法:


data = df[attrs]
m = len(data) # m-training examples
f = len(attrs) # n-features
X = np.hstack((np.ones(shape=(m,1)),np.array(data)))
T = np.zeros(f + 1) # Coefficients of x(0),x(1),...x(n)
norm_price = df.price / 1000
Y = np.array(norm_price)

# Normalization
data['curb-weight'] = (data['curb-weight'] * 0.453592) / 1000    # To kg (e-1000)
data['highway-mpg'] = data['highway-mpg'] * 0.425144    # To km per litre (kml)
data['engine-size'] = data['engine-size'] / 100     # To e-100
data['horsepower'] = data['horsepower'] / 100   # To e-100

col_rename = {


def calculateCost():
    global m,T,X
    hypot = (X.dot(T) - Y).transpose().dot(X.dot(T) - Y)
    return hypot / (2 * m)


def gradDescent(threshold,iter = 10000,alpha = 3e-8):
    global T,X,Y,m
    i = 0
    cost = calculateCost()
    cost_hist = [cost]
    while i < iter:
        T = T - (alpha / m) * X.transpose().dot(X.dot(T) - Y)
        cost = calculateCost()
        i += 1
        if cost <= threshold:
            return cost_hist

我运行 使用此实现的梯度下降: Batch Gradient Descent

如果没有规范化,成本将为 118634960.460199。 通过规范化,成本将为 118.634960460199


  1. 我的标准化技术正确吗?
  2. 标准化后,成本会有所不同。归一化后的成本阈值如何设置?

我认为您在机器学习的上下文中可能存在误解 'normalization'。根据我对您代码的解释,您的 'normalization' 部分正在进行单位转换。在梯度下降之前,通常应用最大最小缩放或标准缩放,请参阅 scikit learn user guide. These techniques create features with a consistent scale range, so that changes in a single feature do not completely dominate the loss function. This question and this blog post 有更长的讨论。