如何在 istio 的入口网关终止 ssl?

how to terminate ssl at ingress-gateway in istio?

我正在尝试在 istio ingress 网关中试验 ssl 连接。

从这里istio ssl gateway without termination,我假设默认情况下 istio 入口网关应该终止 ssl。

我已经通过 istioctl 安装了带有演示配置文件的 istio。 我还安装了我的服务 svc1.


apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
  name: vs-gateway
  namespace: myns
    istio: ingressgateway # use istio default controller
  - port:
      number: 443
      name: https
      protocol: HTTPS
      mode: SIMPLE
      serverCertificate: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs/tls.crt
      privateKey: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs/tls.key
    - "*"
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
  name: vs
  namespace: myns
  - "*"
  - vs-gateway
  - match:
    - uri:
        prefix: "/svc1/"
      uri: "/"
    - destination:
        host: svc1
          number: 80

我通过 this 找到了网关 url。 对于实验,我还在入口网关上启用了 http。这样 curl<http_node_port> 可以处理 200 个响应。后来我从入口网关中删除了 http 并仅保留 https(因为 https 是我的主要目标是通过入口网关接收)

然后在网关 url 上使用 https 尝试 curl。我得到 503.

$ curl -ivk<https_node_port>/svc1/user
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 30278 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*   CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS Unknown, Certificate Status (22):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Unknown (8):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS Unknown, Certificate Status (22):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
* ALPN, server accepted to use h2
* Server certificate:
*  subject: C=US; ST=CA; O=Abc; CN=example.com
*  start date: Dec 31 08:22:32 2019 GMT
*  expire date: Jan 30 08:22:32 2020 GMT
*  issuer: C=US; ST=CA; O=Abc; CN=example.com
*  SSL certificate verify result: self signed certificate (18), continuing anyway.
* Using HTTP2, server supports multi-use
* Connection state changed (HTTP/2 confirmed)
* Copying HTTP/2 data in stream buffer to connection buffer after upgrade: len=0
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS Unknown, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS Unknown, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS Unknown, Unknown (23):
* Using Stream ID: 1 (easy handle 0x55c961626580)
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS Unknown, Unknown (23):
> GET /svc1/user HTTP/2
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
> Accept: */*
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS Unknown, Certificate Status (22):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS Unknown, Unknown (23):
* Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS updated)!
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS Unknown, Unknown (23):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS Unknown, Unknown (23):
< HTTP/2 503 
HTTP/2 503 
< content-length: 95
content-length: 95
< content-type: text/plain
content-type: text/plain
< date: Thu, 02 Jan 2020 08:13:49 GMT
date: Thu, 02 Jan 2020 08:13:49 GMT
< server: istio-envoy
server: istio-envoy

* Connection #0 to host left intact
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination

我还在 svc pod sidecar 上启用了 sidecar istio proxy debuggin。我得到低于日志

[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][filter] [external/envoy/source/extensions/filters/listener/original_dst/original_dst.cc:18] original_dst: New connection accepted
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][filter] [external/envoy/source/extensions/filters/listener/tls_inspector/tls_inspector.cc:72] tls inspector: new connection accepted
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:30] Called tcp filter: Filter
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:40] Called tcp filter: initializeReadFilterCallbacks
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][filter] [external/envoy/source/common/tcp_proxy/tcp_proxy.cc:204] [C88] new tcp proxy session
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:133] [C88] Called tcp filter onNewConnection: remote, local
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][filter] [external/envoy/source/common/tcp_proxy/tcp_proxy.cc:347] [C88] Creating connection to cluster inbound|80|serviceport|svc1.myns.svc.cluster.local
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][pool] [external/envoy/source/common/tcp/conn_pool.cc:83] creating a new connection
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][pool] [external/envoy/source/common/tcp/conn_pool.cc:364] [C89] connecting
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.392][28][debug][connection] [external/envoy/source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:711] [C89] connecting to
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.393][28][debug][connection] [external/envoy/source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:720] [C89] connection in progress
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.393][28][debug][pool] [external/envoy/source/common/tcp/conn_pool.cc:109] queueing request due to no available connections
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.393][28][debug][conn_handler] [external/envoy/source/server/connection_handler_impl.cc:333] [C88] new connection
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.393][28][debug][connection] [external/envoy/source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:559] [C89] connected
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.393][28][debug][pool] [external/envoy/source/common/tcp/conn_pool.cc:285] [C89] assigning connection
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.393][28][debug][filter] [external/envoy/source/common/tcp_proxy/tcp_proxy.cc:541] TCP:onUpstreamEvent(), requestedServerName: 
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.393][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:143] Called tcp filter completeCheck: OK
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.395][28][debug][filter] [src/istio/control/client_context_base.cc:139] Report attributes: attributes {
  key: "connection.event"
  value {
    string_value: "open"
attributes {
  key: "connection.id"
  value {
    string_value: "38a9b348-1730-4e0b-9664-fbbaeedd9215-88"
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.395][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:100] [C88] Called tcp filter onRead bytes: 664
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.396][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:123] [C88] Called tcp filter onWrite bytes: 28
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.398][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:123] [C88] Called tcp filter onWrite bytes: 0
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.398][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:100] [C88] Called tcp filter onRead bytes: 34
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.398][28][debug][connection] [external/envoy/source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:527] [C88] remote close
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.398][28][debug][connection] [external/envoy/source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:193] [C88] closing socket: 0
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.398][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:174] [C88] Called tcp filter onEvent: 0 upstream
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.398][28][debug][filter] [src/istio/control/client_context_base.cc:139] Report attributes: attributes {
  key: "connection.duration"
  value {
    duration_value {
      nanos: 6151000
attributes {
  key: "connection.event"
  value {
    string_value: "close"
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.398][28][debug][connection] [external/envoy/source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:104] [C89] closing data_to_write=34 type=0
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.398][28][debug][conn_handler] [external/envoy/source/server/connection_handler_impl.cc:88] [C88] adding to cleanup list
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.398][28][debug][filter] [src/envoy/tcp/mixer/filter.cc:35] Called tcp filter : ~Filter
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.399][28][debug][connection] [external/envoy/source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:589] [C89] write flush complete
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.399][28][debug][connection] [external/envoy/source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:193] [C89] closing socket: 1
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.399][28][debug][pool] [external/envoy/source/common/tcp/conn_pool.cc:124] [C89] client disconnected
[Envoy (Epoch 0)] [2020-01-02 06:53:19.399][28][debug][pool] [external/envoy/source/common/tcp/conn_pool.cc:238] [C89] connection destroyed

根据日志,入口网关似乎正在将 ssl 请求转发到 svc。 (如有错误请指正)

所以最后,谁能帮我在入口网关终止 ssl,并将纯 http 请求转发给 svc?

基于此github issue and this istio documentation

Named service ports: Service ports must be named. The port name key/value pairs must have the following syntax: name: [-]. See Protocol Selection for more details.

基于mockserver service

    - name: serviceport

我建议将其更改为http/https,如前所述there and confirmed by community member who had same issue on github


Protocols can be specified manually by naming the Service port name: [-]. The following protocols are supported:

  • grpc
  • grpc
  • 网络
  • http
  • http2
  • https
  • mongo
  • mysql*
  • redis*
  • TCP
  • tls
  • udp

*These protocols are disabled by default to avoid accidentally enabling experimental features. To enable them, configure the corresponding Pilot environment variables.