有没有办法使用 Firebase App Distribution 为每个 Android 构建变体配置单独的 serviceCredentialsFile?

Is there a way to configure separate serviceCredentialsFile for each Android build variant with Firebase App Distribution?

我们有几个 Firebase 项目,它们通过构建类型和风格共享相同的代码库。我们的目标是通过 Gradle 使用应用程序分发并使用服务帐户凭据进行身份验证。

docs中显示firebaseAppDistribution块可以用来配置参数,服务凭证文件路径就是其中之一。由于每个变体都是一个 Firebase 项目,并且每个项目都有自己的服务凭证,据我所知,我们需要在 Gradle 配置中指向单独的服务凭证文件路径。

我尝试根据变体使用 gradle 任务更新文件路径,但无法使其工作。当前构建文件如下所示:


apply plugin: 'com.google.firebase.appdistribution'

class StringExtension {
  String value

  StringExtension(String value) {
    this.value = value

  public void setValue(String value) {
    this.value = value

  public String getValue() {
    return value

android {


  productFlavors.whenObjectAdded {
    flavor -> flavor.extensions.create("service_key_prefix", StringExtension, '')

  productFlavors {

    flavor1 {
      service_key_prefix.value = "flavor1"

    flavor2 {
      service_key_prefix.value = "flavor2"

  buildTypes {

    debug {
      firebaseAppDistribution {
        releaseNotesFile = file("internal_release_notes.txt").path
        groupsFile = file("group_aliases_debug_fb.txt").path

    release {
      firebaseAppDistribution {
        releaseNotesFile = file("release_notes.txt").path
        groupsFile = file("group_aliases_prod_fb.txt").path


android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->

  task("firebaseCredentials${variant.name.capitalize()}", overwrite: true) {
    variant.productFlavors.each { flavor ->

      doLast {
        firebaseAppDistribution {

          def serviceKeyFile = file(
          if (serviceKeyFile != null) {
            serviceCredentialsFile = serviceKeyFile.path

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
  def distTask = tasks.named("appDistributionUpload${variant.name.capitalize()}")
  def configTask = tasks.named("firebaseCredentials${variant.name.capitalize()}")
  distTask.configure {

apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'

任务似乎 运行 正确,但我猜文件路径没有更新,因为当我 运行 appDistributionUpload :


Could not find credentials. To authenticate, you have a few options:

  1. Set the serviceCredentialsFile property in your gradle plugin

  2. Set a refresh token with the FIREBASE_TOKEN environment variable

  3. Log in with the Firebase CLI

  4. Set service credentials with the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable


真的需要为每个Variant定义不同的serivceAccount文件吗?还是每个 flavor/buildType 有单独的文件就足够了?

因为 buildTypeproductFlavors 在通过 android.applicationVariants 访问时是只读的,这将在评估阶段后执行。但是你可以在 gradle.

配置阶段直接设置 BuildType 或 Flavor 的值



    File serviceAccountFile = file("/path/to/file-${it.name}.json")
    if (serviceAccountFile.exists()) {
        it.firebaseAppDistribution {
            serviceCredentialsFile = serviceAccountFile.path


    File serviceAccountFile = file("/path/to/file-${it.name}.json")
    if (serviceAccountFile.exists()) {
        it.firebaseAppDistribution {
            serviceCredentialsFile = serviceAccountFile.path


以下是 Firebase 支持团队的解决方法,它会在每次上传任务开始时修改内存中的相关环境变量:

android {

  applicationVariants.all { variant ->

    final uploadTaskName = "appDistributionUpload${variant.name.capitalize()}"
    final uploadTask = project.tasks.findByName(uploadTaskName)

    if (uploadTask != null) {
      uploadTask.doFirst {
        final value = "$projectDir/src/${variant.name}/app-distribution-key.json"
        setEnvInMemory('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS', value)

private static void setEnvInMemory(String name, String val) {
  // There is no way to dynamically set environment params, but we can update it in memory
  final env = System.getenv()
  final field = env.getClass().getDeclaredField("m")
  field.get(env).put(name, val)

private static void resetCredentialsCache() {
  // Google caches credentials provided by environment param, we are going to reset it
  final providerClass = Class.forName(
  final providerCtor = providerClass.getDeclaredConstructor()
  final provider = providerCtor.newInstance()

  final credsClass = Class.forName(
  final field = credsClass.getDeclaredField('defaultCredentialProvider')
  field.set(null, provider)

编辑:上述解决方案仅适用于应用分发插件版本 1.3.1。

我没有进一步联系支持人员,而是在 Jenkins CI 上使用了 GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS 环境变量,如 here
