尝试调用长按手势和 运行 命令,但 运行 与函数中的选择器一起进入 SIGABRT 错误。什么没有连接?

Trying to call a long tap gesture and run a command but running into a SIGABRT error with the selector in the function. What isn't connected?


override func viewDidLoad() {

    //Adding the long gesture
    let longGesture = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(longTap))

    //Adding the gesture to the button

    //Adding a tag for the button
    hydrogenBoxButton.tag = 1


 @objc func longTap(sender: UIButton) {

        if sender.tag == 1 {
            print("Hydrogen long tap worked!")
        } else if sender.tag == 2 {
            print("Helium long tap worked!")

但是,当我 运行 尝试长按按钮时,我得到了这个错误:

-[UILongPressGestureRecognizer tag]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fbc5ce00680

我不知道是因为我给标签命名错误还是我创建 LongPressGestureRecognizer 的方式有问题。


@objc func longTap(sender: UILongPressGestureRecognizer ) {
        let tag = sender.view!.tag
        if tag == 1 {
            print("Hydrogen long tap worked!")
        } else if tag == 2 {
            print("Helium long tap worked!")