
Show text if date is today

如果日期是今天,我需要显示(今天)文本。我怎么做! 我尝试了一切,但找不到正确的答案,这就是我在这里问的原因。 这是我现在拥有的一段代码。

$mod_list.= '<ul class="upcoming-events"><li>
<div class="date">
    <span><span class="day">'.date($dateformat,$datetime_start).'</span>
    <span><span class="month">'.date($datemonth,$datetime_start).'</span>
    <span><span class="year">'.date($dateyear,$datetime_start).'</span>

我想把它显示在最后一个</span>之后 它用于活动日历,我想在活动的确切日期显示今天的文本。


    //it's today! put code here
    //it's not today

如果您不使用 date() 函数中的第二个参数,它会使用当前时间。因此,将他们的日期与今天进行比较就是这么简单。

好的,这是我正在使用的全部代码,它实际上是一个用于在我的侧边栏中显示事件日历的 droplet。

    //:Show next #N events
// Get_Concerts
global $database, $wb;

setlocale (LC_ALL, 'sl_SI.UTF-8'); //za vse kategorije 
setlocale (LC_TIME, 'sl_SI.UTF-8'); //za datumske funkcije

// Show how many items, defaults to 10?
if ( !isset($max) ){ $max = 10; };

// year and month and section defaults
if(!isset($year)) {$year = date('Y', time()); }
if(!isset($month)) {$month = date('n', time()); }
if(!isset($section_id)) {$section_id = 0 ; }

// Set dateformat to suit your needs, add timeformat if needed
$dateformat = 'd'; // Standard php date formats
$datemonth = 'M'; // Standard php date formats
$dateyear = 'Y'; // Standard php date formats

// Fetch base page link, if event_id = set
$extrasql = '';
$page_id = 0;
$page_link ='';

if ($section_id<>0) { 
$extrasql = " section_id = '".$section_id."' AND "; 
$sql = "SELECT page_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sections WHERE section_id = '".$section_id."'";
$result = $database->query($sql);
if ( $result->numRows() > 0 ) {
while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) {
$page_id = $row['page_id'];
if ($page_id <> 0) {
$sql = "SELECT link FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pages WHERE page_id = '".$page_id."'";
$result = $database->query($sql);
if ( $result->numRows() > 0 ) {
while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) {
$page_link = page_link($row['link']);

// Set start- and end date for query
// $datestart = "$year-$month-1"; ORIGINAL = show all events in this month
$datestart = date("Y-m-d"); // ALTERNATIVE = show all events in this month, starting today
$dateend = "$year-$month-".cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month,$year);
$mod_list = "";

// Fetch the items
$sql = "SELECT DAY(date_start) AS day, id, custom1, date_start, time_start, date_end, time_end, name FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_procalendar_actions WHERE ".$extrasql." date_start >='$datestart' AND public_stat = 0 ORDER BY date_start,time_start LIMIT 0, ".$max." ";
$mod_query = $database->query($sql);
while ( $row =& $mod_query->fetchRow()){
// Build url like : pages/kalendar.php?id=2&detail=1 
$page_url = $page_link.'?id='.$row['id'].'&amp;detail=1';
$ds = $row['date_start']." ".substr($row['time_start'],0,5);
$de = $row['date_end']." ".substr($row['time_end'],0,5);
$datetime_start = mktime(substr($ds,11,2),substr($ds,14,2),0,substr($ds,5,2),substr($ds,8,2),substr($ds,0,4));
$datetime_end = mktime(substr($de,11,2),substr($de,14,2),0,substr($de,5,2),substr($de,8,2),substr($de,0,4));
if ($row['time_start'] !== $printTime) {
    $printTime = $row['time_start'];

$mod_list.= '<ul class="upcoming-events"><li>
<div class="date"><span><span class="day">'.date($dateformat,$datetime_start).'</span><span><span class="month">'.date($datemonth,$datetime_start).'</span><span><span class="year">'.date($dateyear,$datetime_start).'</span>


$mod_list.= '<div class="event-content"><h6><a href="'.$page_url.'">'.$row["name"].'</a></h6>
<ul class="event-meta"><li><i class="fa fa-clock-o">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>'.substr($printTime,0,5).'<sup>h</sup></li>
<!-- <li><i class="fa fa-info-circle">&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>'.$row["custom1"].'</li> --></ul></div></li></ul>';

$mod_list .= "<hr>";

$mod_list .= '<a href="[wblink13]" class="button transparent button-arrow" style="margin-top:-10px;">Napovednik</a><br></br>';

 return $mod_list;

这是该站点的 link,LINK 您会注意到为今天创建的 TEST 事件,我希望在对了。

