如何从自定义函数中获取摘要 table 以响应用户输入的变量?

How do I get a summary table from a custom function to react to user input of variables?

这是我第一次尝试使用 Shiny。

我有一个包含 4 个变量的模拟患者级数据集:


  1. 所选周内所选变量的分数分布箱线图。 x 轴表示组的 3 个级别(A、B 和 C)。
  2. 摘要table 显示观察值数、中位数、第 25 个百分位数、第 75 个百分位数和缺失数。

我能够创建交互式箱线图,但我无法创建摘要table。我能够使用 doBy 的 summaryBy 函数在 RMarkdown 中创建此 table 的静态版本,但我无法在 Shiny 中实现它。尝试遵循建议 and 但我遗漏了一些东西。





#input data
mydf <- data.frame( group     =   rep(rep(c("A","B","C"), each = 3), times = 3),
                    week      =   rep(rep(c(1,4,8), each = 9)),
                    painscore =   sample(1:10, 27, replace = TRUE),
                    dependscore = sample(1:10, 27, replace = TRUE) )


#define custom function to calculate summary statistics for column of interest. 
#function explained in a little more detail when applied in the server function.

fun <- function(x) { 
    c( n = length(x),
       m = median(x), 
       firstq = round(quantile(x)[2], 1), 
       lastq = round(quantile(x)[4], 1), 
       missing = mean(is.na(x)))


ui <- fluidPage(

     titlePanel("Shiny Boxplot and Table"),

    #User can provide two different inputs
            #1. allow user to pick week using radiobuttons
            radioButtons(inputId = "pickedwk",
                        label = "week you want to display",
                        choices = c(1,4,8),
                        selected = 1), 
            #2. user can pick variable to visualize using dropdownboxes
            selectInput(inputId = "var",
                        label = "variable to visualize",
                        list("How much pain did you feel today?" = "painscore",
                             "How dependent are you on medication?" = "dependscore")), 
            helpText("Enter week/variable choices here") 

     #Spaceholders for output
                     plotOutput("boxplot"), #boxplot placeholder
                     htmlOutput("descriptives") #kable html table placeholder
server <- function(input, output) {

    #create dataset that subsets down to the week picked by user.
    weeksub <- reactive({
        mydf %>% filter(week == input$pickedwk[1])
    #1. use reactive datasubset to render boxplot.
    output$boxplot <- renderPlot({ 
        ggplot(weeksub(), aes_string(x = "group", y = input$var)) + #input$var works here
        geom_boxplot(fill = "red", outlier.shape = 15, outlier.color = "black") +
        scale_y_continuous(name = as.character(input$var)) +
        scale_x_discrete(name = "group") +
        ggtitle(paste("Distribution of", as.character(input$var), "by treatment group"))  

    #2. use same reactive datasubset to render kable descriptive statistics for the variable picked.

    output$descriptives <- renderText({

        kable(summaryBy(input$var ~ group, data = as.data.frame(weeksub()), FUN = fun),
      #note: here, I'm using the summaryBy function from package doBy. It takes the form var~ categoricalvar
      # so, either painscore ~ group, or dependscore ~ group depending on what the user picked, and uses
      #my custom function to return a table of count, median, 25th percentile, 75th percentile and missing count for 
      #the 3 levels of the group variable (for A, B, and C)
        col.names = c("Number", "Median", "1Q", "3Q", "Missing"))


}#server function ends

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


  • 公式符号不知道如何处理input$varsummaryBy 支持更好用的替代语法。 (您也可以使用 as.formulapaste 来构建公式。)
  • 您缺少 col.names
  • 中的 "Group" 列
  • 您必须从 kable 生成 HTML 并将其作为 HTML 传递给 UI。

将您的 table 输出更改为:

  output$descriptives <- renderUI({
    HTML(kable(summaryBy(list(input$var, 'group'), data = as.data.frame(weeksub()), FUN = fun),
          col.names = c('Group', "Number", "Median", "1Q", "3Q", "Missing"),