由于 TypeScript,在旧版浏览器中使用 Angular 2?

Using Angular 2 with older browsers thanks to TypeScript?

由于 Angular 2 团队在其构建中使用 TypeScript,是否可以假设他们可以编译可在旧浏览器上运行的 Angular 2 版本?

编辑 2:

看来 Angular 团队已决定支持一些非常青浏览器。 Per Brad Green(来自 Angular 团队):What browsers versions will Angular 2 support? There's a new build widget with some hints on https://github.com/angular/angular

目前,自述文件显示 IE9 及更高版本。

Angular 2 支持现代浏览器:

Modern browsers means the set of browsers known as ‘evergreen’ or always automatically updated to the latest version. Building for these browsers let us drop many hacks and workarounds that make AngularJS harder to use and develop on than it needs to be.

The set currently includes Chrome, FireFox, Opera, Safari, and IE10/11. On mobile, we’ll support something close to the list of Chrome on Android, iOS 6+, Windows Phone 8+ and Firefox mobile. We’re looking into supporting older versions of Android, but the jury is still out.


编辑: 为了解决您的评论,没有 Typescript 不是 Angular 2 缺乏对非现代浏览器的支持的限制因素(也不会提供任何神奇的支持)。 Typescript 可以转译为 ES3,所以如果你的目标浏览器支持 ES3,你可以使用 Typescript。相反,Angular 2 通过使用 TypeScript 将无法支持旧版浏览器。