.NET Core API 可以调用 "Middleware" 吗?

Can a .NET Core API be Called "Middleware"?

这个问题纯粹是关于语义约定的。我进入了一个项目,架构师将 API 层 (.NET Core API) 解决方案命名为 "middleware."

我一直将这些项目称为 API,例如MyMagicCompanyAPI.

对我来说,中间件通常是代码的一部分,它拦截 http 请求并在请求信息沿着管道传递之前做一些事情,例如.NET Core Middleware or the Angular Interceptor.

请注意,调用 API 中间件是否错误?如果不是,将它称为 API 是否比称它为中间件 preferable/more 更准确?

Can a .NET Core API be Called “Middleware”?



.NET Core、Angular、(等) 在其架构中使用该术语并不是该术语的唯一上下文使用 中间件.



In distributed applications

The term is most commonly used for software that enables communication and management of data in distributed applications.

Other examples

The term middleware is used in other contexts as well. Middleware is sometimes used in a similar sense to a software driver, an abstraction layer that hides detail about hardware devices or other software from an application.


On that note, is it wrong to call an API middleware? If not, is it preferable/more accurate to just call it an API over calling it middelware?

这将是 preference/opinion 所述系统作为一个整体的维护者的问题。