application.js 文件在 rails 6 中被 webpacker 编译忽略

The application.js file is being ignored by webpacker compilation in rails 6

在从 rails 5 升级的 rails 6 应用程序中,我有以下包文件

import "core-js/stable";
import "regenerator-runtime/runtime";

@import '../stylesheets/datatables.scss';

webpack-dev-server服务器编译成功,但application.js文件中包含的javascript不是运行。事实上,如果我将 require("trix") 更改为 require("no_such_file") 它不会导致编译错误,所以我的 application.js 被完全忽略了。我该如何解决这个问题?

问题与此有关 webpacker issue (or feature). It seems that if you have another file called application in the packs directory, e.g. application.scss, then webpacker overwrites the output of application.js. Basically I needed to move application.scss out of the packs directory and import it in the application.js file. This post 在问题报告中对此进行了更详细的解释。