如何在单独的 std::thread 完成之前暂停异常传播?

How do I pause exception propagation until a separate std::thread completes?

我的代码在主线程中被拆分为一部分 运行,另一部分在单独的线程中。主线程最后等待 thread.join()

现在,如果主线程抛出异常,即使我尝试捕获异常,我的程序也会立即终止。我将其追踪到 std::~thread,如果线程仍然是 运行(可连接),我会很不高兴。

在这种情况下,我希望异常等到线程自然退出,然后继续传播。我怎么做?我需要用某种 joining_thread 来包装 std::thread 吗?

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

class foo
    foo(const char* name) : m_name(name) {}
    ~foo() { std::cout << "~foo - " << m_name << "\n"; }
    std::string m_name;

void doInThread()
    std::cout << "doInThread\n";

int doit()
    foo fooBefore("main before thread");   // d'tor is never called
    auto thread = std::thread(doInThread);
    foo fooAfter("main after thread");

    // Do stuff, which might throw
    throw std::exception("Something happened in main");


int main()
    catch (std::exception ex)
        std::cout << "Exception: " << ex.what() << "\n";  // Never happens - program terminates beforehand

您的程序已通过调用 std::terminate 函数中止。

当抛出异常时,堆栈展开,这意味着在调用 throw 之前创建的所有局部变量都将被删除。当线程的dtor被调用时,线程处于joinable状态,std::terminate被调用according to thread reference.

使用 RAII 创建对象,其 dtor 将加入您的线程。

template<class F>
struct Cleaner {
    Cleaner(F in) : f(in) {}
    ~Cleaner() { f(); }

    F f;

template<class F>
Cleaner<F> makeCleaner(F f) {
    return Cleaner<F>(f);

int doit()
    foo fooBefore("main before thread");
    auto thread = std::thread(doInThread);
    auto cleaner = makeCleaner([&thread](){ thread.join(); });

    foo fooAfter("main after thread");

    throw std::runtime_error("Something happened in main");

    // without throw statement, dtor of cleaner instance would be called here

现在,在展开堆栈时,将按如下方式调用析构函数:fooAftercleaner(等待线程完成)和 fooBefore.