使用 Sql 管理对象 (SMO) 连接到 SQL,如何确定视图是否有任何行?

Using Sql Management Objects (SMO) to connect to SQL, how can I find out if a view has any rows?

我知道我可以使用 SMO 找到 Table 行数,但是我在获取视图行数时遇到了问题。我真的不需要确切的行数(这是一个额外的好处),但我确实需要知道视图是否为 "empty"(0 条记录)。


 public Int64 GetRowCount()
    SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(SqlConnectionString);
    ServerConnection serverConnection = new ServerConnection(sqlConnection);
    Server server = new Server(serverConnection);
    if (server == null)
        throw new InvalidDataException(
                "Could not connect to server {0}. Check that it exists and that the current user has access to it.",
    Database db = server.Databases[SqlDatabaseName];
    if (db == null)
        throw new InvalidDataException(
                "Could not connect to database {0} on server {1}. Check that it exists and that the current user has access to it.",
                SqlDatabaseName, SqlServerName));

    db.DefaultSchema = SqlSchemaName;

    if (db.Tables.Contains(SqlTableName))
        Table tbl = db.Tables[SqlTableName];
        return tbl.RowCount;
    if (db.Views.Contains(SqlTableName))
        View view = db.Views[SqlTableName];
            // ignored
        return view.RowCount;  ************************** MAGIC GOES HERE

    throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format(    "The SQL table/view {0} does not exist in database {1}, or is not accessible by the current user.",
SqlTableName, SqlDatabaseName));

如果找不到其他方法,可以随时使用ExecuteWithResults 方法select 单行单字段。然后您可以检查结果以查看它是否返回了任何行。

 var server = new Server();
 var db = server.Databases("northwind");
 var results = db.ExecuteWithResults("select top 1 ID from [ViewName]");


        var cmd = sqlConnection.CreateCommand();

        cmd.CommandText = string.Format(@"if exists(select * from {0})
                          select 1 as exist
                          select 0 as exist", SqlTableName);

        var result = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

如果结果 == 1 则存在一些记录

我认为答案是 "no",除非视图是索引(或物化)视图。我之所以这么说,是因为 SMO 似乎正在查看 sys.partitions 中的元数据以确定行数,除非视图下的数据持久保存到磁盘,否则那里不会存在任何行。只有当视图被索引时才会发生这种情况。