Python beautifulSoup:创建和组合列表并删除冗余,如 \n

Python beautifulSoup: create and combine lists and remove redundancies like \n

如何将完整列表合并到一个数据框中。当我打印时,它似乎只打印第一条记录,它还包括 \n 和其他冗余,如 ' 等。

    import requests
    from requests_html import HTML, HTMLSession
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import pandas as pd
    import csv
    import json

    url = ''
    lehigh = requests.get(url).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(lehigh,'lxml')

    for opp in soup.find_all('div',class_="sidearm-schedule-game-opponent-text"):
        opp_list = []
     #   print(opp_list)

    for conf in soup.find_all('div',class_="sidearm-schedule-game-conference-conference"):
        conf_list = []
    #    print(conf_list)

    dict = {'opponent':[opp_list],'conference':[conf_list]}
    df = pd.DataFrame(dict)

您在每次迭代中将 opp_listconf_list 设置为 [] - 仅将它们初始化一次。 Alson,你不必在创建字典时加上括号 {'opponent':opp_list,'conference':conf_list}

要删除空格,您可以使用带有 strip=Trueseparator= 参数的 .get_text() 方法。


import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ''
lehigh = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(lehigh,'lxml')

opp_list = []
for opp in soup.find_all('div',class_="sidearm-schedule-game-opponent-text"):
    opp_list.append(opp.get_text(strip=True, separator=' '))

conf_list = []
for conf in soup.find_all('div',class_="sidearm-schedule-game-conference-conference"):

dict = {'opponent':opp_list,'conference':conf_list}
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)


                         opponent       conference
0                        at UConn                 
1                       vs Drexel                 
2            at George Washington                 
3                   at St. John's                 
4                   vs Binghamton                 
5                        at Rider                 
6                         vs Penn                 
7                         at Army  Patriot League*
8                      vs Cornell                 
9                     at Boston U  Patriot League*
10                 vs #20 Colgate  Patriot League*
11                        vs Navy  Patriot League*
12                   at Lafayette  Patriot League*
13                   at Dartmouth                 
14                    vs American  Patriot League*
15                    at Bucknell  Patriot League*
16                at Loyola (Md.)  Patriot League*
17     vs Holy Cross Senior Night  Patriot League*
18  vs No. 3 Colgate (Semifinals)