std::map<T*, U> 的程序是否具有明确定义的行为?

Does a program with std::map<T*, U> have well-defined behaviour?

Comparing pointers to unrelated objects has unspecified results.


#include <map>

int main()
    int x = 0, y = 1;
    bool arbitrary = false;

    std::map<int*, bool> m{
       {&x, arbitrary},
       {&y, arbitrary}



是的,因为 std::map default comparison operator is std::less,与标准比较运算符不同,它完全是为指针类型定义的。


For templates less, greater, less_­equal, and greater_­equal, the specializations for any pointer type yield a result consistent with the implementation-defined strict total order over pointers ([defns.order.ptr]).


implementation-defined strict total ordering over all pointer values such that the ordering is consistent with the partial order imposed by the builtin operators <, >, <=, >=, and <=>

std::lessstd::map 的默认比较器)对指针有特殊处理,允许:

A specialization of std::less for any pointer type yields a strict total order, even if the built-in operator< does not.


can we say that a map with pointer keys is a dangerous proposition?


应使用 const char* 键采取额外的预防措施:


具有相同内容的 C 字符串文字不保证相等:

"literal" == "literal"; // Not guaranteed
"literal" < "literal"; // false .. or true

std::map 使用 std::less 指针类型:

A specialization of std::less for any pointer type yields a strict total order, even if the built-in operator< does not. The strict total order is consistent among specializations of std::less, std::greater, std::less_equal, and std::greater_equal for that pointer type, and is also consistent with the partial order imposed by the corresponding built-in operators (<, >, <= and >=).

为了更具体的描述,我给你留下了 2 个链接:

std::less first link

std::less second link

that is; in reality I'm not aware of mainstream implementations that will actually raise hell over comparing arbitrary pointers.


众所周知,GCC 可以优化已知指向不同完整对象 A 和 B 的相关(虚拟)(子)对象的对象的指针比较:任何基于 &A 的内容都会与基于 [ 的任何内容进行比较=11=],甚至 &A+1,即使地址实际上是相同的。我不知道这是在 C 还是 C++ 中观察到的,但你的问题几乎是 C/C++(并且也适用于 qsort)。



您没有,因为 std::map 未在术语 operator< 中定义,而是在术语 std::less 中定义。