将两个 defaultdict(list) 与逻辑条件进行比较

compare two defaultdict(list) with logical conditions



3:42259955 [{'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '224', 'base': 'A', 'count': '1', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '1', 'percent_bias': 0.0, 'vaf': 0.0, 'mutation': 'snv', 'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'D0', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '224', 'base': 'C', 'count': '0', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '0', 'percent_bias': '0', 'vaf': '0', 'mutation': 'snv', 'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'D0', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '224', 'base': 'G', 'count': '223', 'positive_strand': '121', 'negative_strand': '102', 'percent_bias': 0.54, 'vaf': 1.0, 'mutation': 'no-mutation', 'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'D0', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '224', 'base': 'T', 'count': '0', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '0', 'percent_bias': '0', 'vaf': '0', 'mutation': 'snv', 'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'D0', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '224', 'base': 'N', 'count': '0', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '0', 'percent_bias': '0', 'vaf': '0', 'mutation': 'snv', 'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'D0', 'st': '42259955'}]


3:42259955 [{'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'D0', 'chrm': '3', 'st': '42259955', 'en': '42259956', 'var': 'C'}, {'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'C1', 'chrm': '3', 'st': '42259955', 'en': '42259956', 'var': 'C'}, {'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'C3', 'chrm': '3', 'st': '42259955', 'en': '42259956', 'var': 'C'}, {'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'chrm': '3', 'st': '42259955', 'en': '42259956', 'var': 'C'}]


检查 ref 和 base 在 ids 中是否相同,如果是,则存储深度信息,这将是常量 这是哪个条目 {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '224', 'base': 'G', 'count' : '223', 'positive_strand': '121', 'negative_strand': '102', 'percent_bias': 0.54, 'vaf': 1.0, 'mutation': 'no-mutation', 'group': '5555', 'timepoint': 'D0', 'st': '42259955'} 检查 V1 中 ids == var(在本例中为 'C')的基数,如果是,则从 ids 中获取计数(为 0) 检查时间点,如果时间点不在 ids 中但在 variant 中获取时间点信息并从 ids



position    timepoint chr   st  depth   count   base    positive_strand negative_strand percent_bias    vaf
3:42259955 D0   3   42259955    224 0   C   0   0   0   0
3:42259955 C1   3   42259955    224 0   C   0   0   0   0
3:42259955 C3   3   42259955    224 0   C   0   0   0   0
3:42259955 C4   3   42259955    224 0   C   0   0   0   0


def getValueOf(k, L):
        for i, v in enumerate(d[k] for d in L):
            return i,v
for key in ids.keys() & V1.keys():
    ## first cond compare within each list 
    if getValueOf('ref', ids[key]) == getValueOf('base', ids[key]):
       ref_count = getValueOf('count', ids[key])
       ref_depth  = getValueOf('depth', ids[key])
    ## secon cond compare between two deafultdicts
    if getValueOf('var', V1[key]) == getValueOf('base', ids[key]):
        var_count = getValueOf('count', ids[key])

有没有比这更优雅的方法,我应该首先使用 defaultdict 还是嵌套字典应该工作



3:42259955 [{'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'D0', 'chrm': '3', 'st': '42259955', 'en': '42259956', 'var': 'C'}, {'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C1', 'chrm': '3', 'st': '42259955', 'en': '42259956', 'var': 'C'}, {'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C3', 'chrm': '3', 'st': '42259955', 'en': '42259956', 'var': 'C'}, {'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'chrm': '3', 'st': '42259955', 'en': '42259956', 'var': 'C'}]


3:42259955 [{'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '141', 'base': 'A', 'count': '1', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '1', 'percent_bias': 0.0, 'vaf': 0.01, 'mutation': 'snv', 'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '141', 'base': 'C', 'count': '4', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '4', 'percent_bias': 0.0, 'vaf': 0.03, 'mutation': 'snv', 'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '141', 'base': 'G', 'count': '135', 'positive_strand': '99', 'negative_strand': '36', 'percent_bias': 0.73, 'vaf': 0.96, 'mutation': 'no-mutation', 'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '141', 'base': 'T', 'count': '1', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '1', 'percent_bias': 0.0, 'vaf': 0.01, 'mutation': 'snv', 'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '141', 'base': 'N', 'count': '0', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '0', 'percent_bias': '0', 'vaf': '0', 'mutation': 'snv', 'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '141', 'base': '+A', 'count': '1', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '1', 'percent_bias': 0.0, 'vaf': 0.01, 'mutation': 'ins', 'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '141', 'base': '+C', 'count': '13', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '13', 'percent_bias': 0.0, 'vaf': 0.09, 'mutation': 'ins', 'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'st': '42259955'}, {'chr': '3', 'ref': 'G', 'depth': '141', 'base': '+T', 'count': '11', 'positive_strand': '0', 'negative_strand': '11', 'percent_bias': 0.0, 'vaf': 0.08, 'mutation': 'ins', 'group': '555', 'timepoint': 'C4', 'st': '42259955'}]


     position  timepoint chr ref        st depth count base positive_strand negative_strand  percent_bias   vaf
0   3:42259955      D0   3   G  42259955   141     4    C               0               4           0.0  0.03
1   3:42259955      C1   3   G  42259955   141     4    C               0               4           0.0  0.03
2   3:42259955      C3   3   G  42259955   141     4    C               0               4           0.0  0.03
3   3:42259955  C4   3   G  42259955   141     4    C               0               4           0.0  0.03


    position  timepoint chr ref        st depth count base positive_strand negative_strand  percent_bias   vaf
0   3:42259955      D0   3   G  42259955   141     0    C               0               0          0.0  0.00
1   3:42259955      C1   3   G  42259955   141     0    C               0               0           0.0  0.00
2   3:42259955      C3   3   G  42259955   141     0    C               0               0           0.0  0.00
3   3:42259955  C4   3   G  42259955   141     4    C               0               4           0.0  0.03

好的,所以我仍然不确定是否已将您的要求降低 100%。当然,很难知道在更大的数据集中会出现什么奇怪的情况,也很难知道这在规模上会变得多么低效。不过我想我已经解决了你的问题。


这应该是一个可行的解决方案。然而在这一点上有太多的条件和皱纹,我怀疑我们最好使用 pandas 创建一些表并在代码的效率和简单性方面执行一些连接和聚合查询,而不是学习如何使用 for 循环遍历嵌套的字典。

def comb_dicts(ids, v1):
    fields = [
        'position', 'timepoint', 'chr', 
        'st', 'depth', 'count', 'base', 
        'positive_strand', 'negative_strand', 
        'percent_bias', 'vaf'
    def_cols = {
        'count': 0, 'positive_strand': 0, 
        'negative_strand': 0, 'percent_bias': 0.0, 'vaf': 0.0
    # Make a list for our output rows
    rows = []
    # Iterate through shared keys
    for k in ids.keys() & v1.keys():
        # Empty list for our new var dicts 
        var_ds = []
        # Loop through the dicts in V1
        for d in v1[k]:
            # Find any matching dicts in the ids list - where the timepoints match
            # Use ** unpacking to create new dicts - don't update because that will alter the originals
            # Note the order of v and d, this ensures that any keys in both use the value from the V1 dict
            # This is important later
            var_ds = [
                {**v, **d, 'position': k} for v in ids[k] 
                if (
                    v['base'] != v['ref'] and 
                    d['var'] == v['base'] and 
                    d['timepoint'] == v['timepoint']
            # If we didn't find any with matching timepoints in ids then look for ones without
            # This is where the order of v and d is important. We will keep the V1 timepoint this way
            # Since this case can result in a list of dicts where some could actually be identical
            # we will need to de-dup it at some point - can do this later with pandas
            # By unpacking def_cols last we can overwrite columns that we don't want copied from ids
            if not var_ds:
                var_ds = [
                    {**v, **d, 'position': k, **def_cols} for v in ids[k] 
                    if (
                        v['base'] != v['ref'] and 
                        d['var'] == v['base']
    return rows

my_rows = comb_dicts(ids, V1)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(my_rows)

# If you want the de-duped rows as a list of dicts then do
uniq_rows = df.to_dict('records')