
How can I create hygienic identifiers in code generated by procedural macros?

编写声明性 (macro_rules!) 宏时,我们会自动获得 宏卫生 。在此示例中,我在宏中声明了一个名为 f 的变量,并传入了一个标识符 f,它成为一个局部变量:

macro_rules! decl_example {
    ($tname:ident, $mname:ident, ($($fstr:tt),*)) => {
        impl std::fmt::Display for $tname {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
                let Self { $mname } = self;
                write!(f, $($fstr),*)

struct Foo {
    f: String,

decl_example!(Foo, f, ("I am a Foo: {}", f));

fn main() {
    let f = Foo {
        f: "with a member named `f`".into(),
    println!("{}", f);


impl std::fmt::Display for Foo {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let Self { f } = self;
        write!(f, "I am a Foo: {}", f)



use my_derive::MyDerive;

struct Foo {
    f: String,

fn main() {
    let f = Foo {
        f: "with a member named `f`".into(),
    println!("{}", f);


name = "example"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"

my_derive = { path = "my_derive" }


extern crate proc_macro;

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput, Meta, NestedMeta};

#[proc_macro_derive(MyDerive, attributes(my_derive))]
pub fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);

    let name = input.ident;

    let attr = input.attrs.into_iter().filter(|a| a.path.is_ident("my_derive")).next().expect("No name passed");
    let meta = attr.parse_meta().expect("Unknown attribute format");
    let meta = match meta {
        Meta::List(ml) => ml,
        _ => panic!("Invalid attribute format"),
    let meta = meta.nested.first().expect("Must have one path");
    let meta = match meta {
        NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Path(p)) => p,
        _ => panic!("Invalid nested attribute format"),
    let field_name = meta.get_ident().expect("Not an ident");

    let expanded = quote! {
        impl std::fmt::Display for #name {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
                let Self { #field_name } = self;
                write!(f, "I am a Foo: {}", #field_name)



name = "my_derive"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"

proc-macro = true

syn = "1.0.13"
quote = "1.0.2"
proc-macro2 = "1.0.7"

对于 Rust 1.40,这会产生编译器错误:

error[E0599]: no method named `write_fmt` found for type `&std::string::String` in the current scope
 --> src/main.rs:3:10
3 | #[derive(MyDerive)]
  |          ^^^^^^^^ method not found in `&std::string::String`
  = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is in scope
  = note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z external-macro-backtrace for more info)
help: the following trait is implemented but not in scope; perhaps add a `use` for it:
1 | use std::fmt::Write;


你可以感谢 UUID:

fn generate_unique_ident(prefix: &str) -> Ident {
    let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
    let ident = format!("{}_{}", prefix, uuid).replace('-', "_");

    Ident::new(&ident, Span::call_site())

总结:你还不能在稳定的 Rust 上使用带有 proc 宏的卫生标识符。最好的办法是使用特别难看的名称,例如 __your_crate_your_name

您正在使用 quote!. This is certainly convenient, but it's just a helper around the actual proc macro API the compiler offers. So let's take a look at that API to see how we can create identifiers! In the end we need a TokenStream 创建标识符(特别是 f),因为这就是我们的 proc 宏 returns。我们如何构建这样的令牌流?

我们可以从字符串中解析它,例如"let f = 3;".parse::<TokenStream>()。但这基本上是一个早期的解决方案,现在不鼓励这样做。无论如何,以这种方式创建的所有标识符都以不卫生的方式运行,因此这不会解决您的问题。

第二种方法(quote! 在后台使用)是通过创建一堆 TokenTrees. One kind of TokenTree is an Ident(标识符)手动创建 TokenStream。我们可以通过 new:

创建一个 Ident
fn new(string: &str, span: Span) -> Ident

string 参数不言自明,但 span 参数才是有趣的部分! Span 存储源代码中某物的位置,通常用于错误报告(例如,为了 rustc 指向拼写错误的变量名称)。但在 Rust 编译器中,span 携带的不仅仅是位置信息:那种卫生!我们可以看到 Span:

  • fn call_site() -> Span:创建一个 调用站点卫生 的跨度。这就是你所说的"unhygienic",相当于"copy and pasting"。如果两个标识符具有相同的字符串,它们将相互冲突或相互遮蔽。

  • fn def_site() -> Span:这就是你想要的。技术上称为 定义站点卫​​生 ,这就是您所说的 "hygienic"。您定义的标识符和您的用户的标识符生活在不同的宇宙中,永远不会发生冲突。正如您在文档中看到的那样,此方法仍然不稳定,因此只能在夜间编译器上使用。太可惜了!

没有真正好的解决方法。显而易见的一个是使用一个非常难看的名字,比如 __your_crate_some_variable。为了让您更轻松一些,您可以创建该标识符一次并在 quote! ():

let ugly_name = quote! { __your_crate_some_variable };
quote! {
    let #ugly_name = 3;
    println!("{}", #ugly_name);

有时您甚至可以搜索可能与您的冲突的用户的所有标识符,然后简单地通过算法选择一个不冲突的标识符。这实际上是we did for auto_impl,带有一个超级丑陋的后备名字。这主要是为了改进生成的文档,避免其中包含超级丑陋的名称。
