如何创建一个 ImageView 作为拖放?
How to create an ImageView as drag and drop?
我想知道如何拖放 ImageView,
我将某个文件拖到 ImageView 中,它会渲染
知道如何在 ImageView 中完成它。
on open myItems
repeat with one_item in myItems
end repeat
end open
一个 NSImageView 的父级 class 是 NSControl,所以像任何其他控件一样,它有一个 target/action 你可以指定,对于示例:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
property mainWindow : missing value
on run -- Script Editor example
my performSelectorOnMainThread:"doWindowStuff" withObject:(missing value) waitUntilDone:true
end run
on doWindowStuff() -- window stuff needs to be done on the main thread
set my mainWindow to makeWindow out of {{0, 0}, {400, 200}} given title:"Drag an image:"
set imageView to makeImageView out of {{100, 50}, {200, 100}}
mainWindow's contentView's addSubview:imageView
mainWindow's makeKeyAndOrderFront:me
on error errmess
display alert "Error" message errmess
end try
end doWindowStuff
to makeWindow out of frame given title:title : "" -- make and return a window
tell (current application's NSWindow's alloc()'s initWithContentRect:frame styleMask:7 backing:2 defer:yes) -- styleMask of 7 includes title, close and minimize buttons
if first item of frame is {0, 0} then tell it to |center|()
its setAutorecalculatesKeyViewLoop:true
its setTitle:title
return it
end tell
end makeWindow
to makeImageView out of frame -- make and return an image view
tell (current application's NSImageView's alloc()'s initWithFrame:frame)
its setTarget:me
its setAction:"imageDragged:"
its setEditable:true
its setImageScaling:(current application's NSImageScaleProportionallyUpOrDown)
return it
end tell
end makeImageView
on imageDragged:sender
activate me
display dialog "An image was dragged into the image view."
end imageDragged:
要执行诸如获取放置图像的文件路径之类的操作,NSImageView 需要被子classed。对于 Xcode 项目,为子 class 添加一个新的 .applescript
文件,并在 IB 的 Identity Inspector 中将其设置为您的 imageView 的 class:
script MyImageView -- NSImageView subclass
property parent : class "NSImageView"
property imagePath : missing value
on draggingEntered:sender
# additional stuff as desired
return current application's NSDragOperationCopy
end draggingEntered:
on performDragOperation:sender
set pasteboard to sender's draggingPasteboard()
set theOptions to {NSPasteboardURLReadingFileURLsOnlyKey:1}
set imageURLs to pasteboard's readObjectsForClasses:{current application's |NSURL|} options:theOptions
set draggedURL to first item of (imageURLs as list)
set my imagePath to draggedURL as text
return true -- data accepted
end performDragOperation:
end script
您还应该在 AppDelegate 的设置中为您的 imageView 注册可接受的拖动类型:
imageView's registerForDraggedTypes:{"public.image"}
当您将某些内容拖到视图中时,文件路径将在 imageView 的 imagePath
属性 中可用。有关详细信息,请参阅 Apple Drag and Drop Programming Topics。
我想知道如何拖放 ImageView, 我将某个文件拖到 ImageView 中,它会渲染 一个动作。
我知道我可以在脚本编辑器中使用下面的代码并将其另存为 然后应用程序可以将文件拖入其中并执行操作,但想要 知道如何在 ImageView 中完成它。
on open myItems
repeat with one_item in myItems
end repeat
end open
一个 NSImageView 的父级 class 是 NSControl,所以像任何其他控件一样,它有一个 target/action 你可以指定,对于示例:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
property mainWindow : missing value
on run -- Script Editor example
my performSelectorOnMainThread:"doWindowStuff" withObject:(missing value) waitUntilDone:true
end run
on doWindowStuff() -- window stuff needs to be done on the main thread
set my mainWindow to makeWindow out of {{0, 0}, {400, 200}} given title:"Drag an image:"
set imageView to makeImageView out of {{100, 50}, {200, 100}}
mainWindow's contentView's addSubview:imageView
mainWindow's makeKeyAndOrderFront:me
on error errmess
display alert "Error" message errmess
end try
end doWindowStuff
to makeWindow out of frame given title:title : "" -- make and return a window
tell (current application's NSWindow's alloc()'s initWithContentRect:frame styleMask:7 backing:2 defer:yes) -- styleMask of 7 includes title, close and minimize buttons
if first item of frame is {0, 0} then tell it to |center|()
its setAutorecalculatesKeyViewLoop:true
its setTitle:title
return it
end tell
end makeWindow
to makeImageView out of frame -- make and return an image view
tell (current application's NSImageView's alloc()'s initWithFrame:frame)
its setTarget:me
its setAction:"imageDragged:"
its setEditable:true
its setImageScaling:(current application's NSImageScaleProportionallyUpOrDown)
return it
end tell
end makeImageView
on imageDragged:sender
activate me
display dialog "An image was dragged into the image view."
end imageDragged:
要执行诸如获取放置图像的文件路径之类的操作,NSImageView 需要被子classed。对于 Xcode 项目,为子 class 添加一个新的 .applescript
文件,并在 IB 的 Identity Inspector 中将其设置为您的 imageView 的 class:
script MyImageView -- NSImageView subclass
property parent : class "NSImageView"
property imagePath : missing value
on draggingEntered:sender
# additional stuff as desired
return current application's NSDragOperationCopy
end draggingEntered:
on performDragOperation:sender
set pasteboard to sender's draggingPasteboard()
set theOptions to {NSPasteboardURLReadingFileURLsOnlyKey:1}
set imageURLs to pasteboard's readObjectsForClasses:{current application's |NSURL|} options:theOptions
set draggedURL to first item of (imageURLs as list)
set my imagePath to draggedURL as text
return true -- data accepted
end performDragOperation:
end script
您还应该在 AppDelegate 的设置中为您的 imageView 注册可接受的拖动类型:
imageView's registerForDraggedTypes:{"public.image"}
当您将某些内容拖到视图中时,文件路径将在 imageView 的 imagePath
属性 中可用。有关详细信息,请参阅 Apple Drag and Drop Programming Topics。