
How do I inject radio elements into the panel?


我的目标控制组在面板中 - 当我 运行 此函数更新值时隐藏,但变得冻结且无法使用,即使它与我在本地的工作模型相同。无线电组不知何故仍然锁定在第一个无线电元素上,我无法在我 运行 此功能后单击更改值。

它在侧面板中 [filter] > https://jsbin.com/gugepeboci/edit?html,js,output

HTML(jQuery 移动端更改页面上的此结构并在 .ui-controlgroup-controls 中包装无线电元素)

<fieldset id="colour-radio-group" data-role="controlgroup" data-mini="true" data-iconpos="right">
        <input type="radio" name="colour-choice" id="radio-choice-5" value="Any Colour" checked="checked">
        <label for="choice-1">Any Colour</label>
        <input type="radio" name="colour-choice" id="radio-choice-6" value="orange">
        <label for="choice-2">Green</label>
        <input type="radio" name="colour-choice" id="radio-choice-7" value="yellow">
        <label for="choice-3">Orange</label>
        <input type="radio" name="colour-choice" id="radio-choice-8" value="violet">
        <label for="choice-4">Purple</label>

Javascript 和 jQuery

 // Data to be inserted
 var myArray = ["red", "blue", "black"];

 //Empty radio group for new data
 $("#colour-radio-group .ui-controlgroup-controls").empty();

 // Loop array and add data dynamically
 for (var x = 0; x < myArray.length; x++) {

     var index = x + 2;

     if (x == 0) {

         // inject default
         $(`<div class="ui-radio ui-mini">
               <label for="colour-choice-1" class="ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-btn-inherit ui-btn-icon-right ui-radio-on ui-first-child">Any Colour</label>
               <input type="radio" name="colour-choice" id="colour-choice-1" value="default" checked="checked" data-cacheval="false">
            </div>`).appendTo('#colour-radio-group .ui-controlgroup-controls');


     // inject data
     $(`<div class="ui-radio ui-mini">
           <label for="colour-choice-` + index + `" class="ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-btn-inherit ui-btn-icon-right ui-radio-off">`+ myArray[x] +`</label>
           <input type="radio" name="colour-choice" id="colour-choice-` + index + `" value="` + myArray[x] + `" data-cacheval="false">
        </div>`).appendTo('#colour-radio-group .ui-controlgroup-controls');


// fix UI problem
$('#colour-radio-group .ui-controlgroup-controls').children().last().children('label').addClass('ui-last-child'); 



并触发 "create" 到“#colour-radio-group”完成工作。

> https://jsbin.com/nijezovali/1/edit?html,js,output

编辑:如果需要,您可以添加 jquery 移动内容。

$('#colour-radio-group .ui-controlgroup-controls').trigger("create");



// Data to be inserted
var myArray = ["red", "blue", "black"];

$('#click').click(function() {

  // Remove existing controlgroup
  $(".mypanels .ui-controlgroup").remove();

  // Create a new one
  var rbuttons = $("<fieldset/>", {
    id: "colour-radio-group",
    "data-role": "controlgroup",
    "data-mini": true

  // Add it

  // Loop array and add data dynamically
  for (var x = 0; x < myArray.length; x++) {
    if (x == 0) {

      // inject default
      rbuttons.append($("<input/>", {
        type: "radio",
        name: "colors-panel",
        id: "color-d",
        checked: true
      })).append($("<label/>", {
        for: "color-d",
        text: "Any Color"


    // inject data
    rbuttons.append($("<input/>", {
      type: "radio",
      name: "colors-panel",
      id: "color-" + x
    })).append($("<label/>", {
      for: "color-" + x,
      text: myArray[x]

  // Apply jQM enhancement
