
faceted search for field with multiple value

我有一个 table where 字段有多个逗号值:

| id   | education_ids |
|    3 | 7,5           |
|    4 | 7,3           |
|    5 | 1,5           |
|    8 | 3             |
|    9 | 5,7           |
|   11 | 9             |


select id,education_ids from jobResume facet education_ids;


| education_ids | count(*) |
| 7,5           |     3558 |
| 7,3           |     3655 |
| 1,5           |     3686 |
| 3             |    31909 |
| 5,7           |     3490 |
| 9             |    31743 |
| 9,6           |     3535 |
| 8,2           |     3547 |
| 6,2,7         |      291 |
| 7,8,1         |      291 |
| 1,2           |     3637 |
| 7             |    31986 |
| 5,9,7         |      408 |
| 1,1,5         |      365 |
| 5             |    31768 |
| 3,8,3,7       |       32 |
| 3,7,6         |      431 |
| 2             |    31617 |
| 5,5           |     3614 |
| 9,9,2,2       |        6 |


| education_ids | count(*) |
|            10 |      961 |
|            11 |     1653 |
|            12 |     1998 |
|            13 |     2090 |
|            14 |     1058 |
|            15 |      347 |


确保使用 MVA,而不是字符串属性:

index rt
    type = rt
    rt_field = f
    rt_attr_multi = education_ids
    path = rt

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mysql> insert into rt(education_ids) values((7,5)), ((7,3)), ((7,1)), ((5,1)), ((5,3));
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from rt facet education_ids;
| id                  | education_ids |
| 2810610458032078849 | 5,7           |
| 2810610458032078850 | 3,7           |
| 2810610458032078851 | 1,7           |
| 2810610458032078852 | 1,5           |
| 2810610458032078853 | 3,5           |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

| education_ids | count(*) |
|             7 |        3 |
|             5 |        3 |
|             3 |        2 |
|             1 |        2 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

顺便说一下,这里有一个关于 Sphinx / Manticore 分面的互动课程,如果您想了解更多相关信息 - https://play.manticoresearch.com/faceting/