对于具有 3D 投影的某些缩放级别,NMAMapView 上的边界框不正确

Incorrect boundingBox on NMAMapView for certain zoom levels with 3D projection

如果我完全缩小 NMAMapView 以便您可以看到地球仪 (NMAMapViewMinimumZoomLevel),调用 NMAMapViews boundingBox 属性 会 return 所有 top* / bottom* 属性的以下坐标:

po self.hereMapView.boundingBox?.topRight
▿ Optional<NMAGeoCoordinates>
  - some : <NMAGeoCoordinates: 0x2828bde00; latitude = -90.000000; longitude = 0.000000; altitude = -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000>

▿ Optional<NMAGeoCoordinates>
  - some : <NMAGeoCoordinates: 0x2828bca20; latitude = -90.000000; longitude = 0.000000; altitude = -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000>

// ...

上面的某些缩放级别也是如此。这对我来说似乎不正确,这是 Here SDK 中的错误吗?

编辑:这似乎只是 3D 投影的问题,在最低缩放级别的 2D 投影中我们确实获得了有效坐标

根据问题的更新(二维投影中的有效边界框)和@dashchak 的评论,这是预期的行为,边界框是一个矩形,其上限值不同于矩形的边界.

来自 Documentation :

The boundingBox of the map is the smallest possible NMAGeoBoundingBox which contains all of the map area currently visible on the screen. If the map is in 2D view (zero tilt), the boundingBox should (nearly) exactly coincide with the bounds of the screen rect. If the map is in 3D view, the visible screen area is a trapezoid in geographical space (the visible area is wider at the top of the screen than at the bottom due to perspective). Thus, the bounding box will contain some area that is not actually visible on the screen in this case.