如何禁用右键单击 rdlc 报告

How to disable right click on rdlc report

我正在创建 RDLC 报告。该报告在打印布局模式下看起来非常好。我将它设置为这样的打印布局模式 -



并且如果用户禁用 printLayout,则报告将与左侧对齐,如下图所示

So, what I want to do is either disable the right click or if possible align the report properly on the default mode too.According to me, it is better to disable the right click because the report is always going to be generated in A4 format. Any help is appreciated, suggestions too

右键单击 菜单称为上下文菜单, ReportViewer.ShowContextMenu Property 允许您禁用它。

Me.ReportViewer1.ShowContextMenu = False