SmartyStreets API 在数据框中循环

SmartyStreets API looped across a data frame

我是 Python 的新手,正在使用 SmartyStreets API。我正在尝试读取包含地址的数据框并简单地验证它们。但是,我正在 运行 解决问题,但没有产生任何结果。下面的代码应该只是在末尾为数据框中的每一行输出打印语句。


例如: 读入数据时,该函数应从 Street1 列获取其地址变量。同样,City,应该来自 City 列,State 来自 state,Zipcode 来自 zipcode。


lookup.street = '1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy' = 'Mountain view"
lookup.state = 'CA' = '94043'

最终目标是让它在每一行的末尾附加一个县列,并使用 API 中的适当县。但是,我无法在没有错误的情况下将其发送到 运行。任何帮助都会有所帮助。如果需要,您可以从 SmartyStreets 网站获得每月 250 次通话的免费 API 密钥。我包含的代码来自 github 上的示例。这可能不是最有效的方法,如果您有更有效的编码方法,请随时将其包含在您的回复中。使用的代码和发现的错误如下所示。

import pandas as pd
from smartystreets_python_sdk import StaticCredentials, exceptions, ClientBuilder
from smartystreets_python_sdk.us_street import Lookup as StreetLookup

##Defines Dictionary
dict = {'Street1': ["1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy", "1 Infinite Loop", "1 Rosedale"],
        'City': ['Mountain view', 'Cupertino', 'Baltimore'],
        'State': ['CA', 'CA', 'MD'],
        'Zipcode': ['94043', '95014', '21237']}
##Converts Dictionary to Data Frame
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)

##Defines Function
def run(address = '', city = '', state = '', zipcode = ''):
    auth_id = 'ID HERE'
    auth_token = 'TOKEN HERE'
    credentials = StaticCredentials(auth_id, auth_token)
    client = ClientBuilder(credentials).build_us_street_api_client()
    lookup = StreetLookup()
    #lookup.input_id = '' ##Optional ID from your system
    #lookup.addressee = addressee
    lookup.street = address
    ##lookup.street2 = address2
    #lookup.secondary = secondary ##STE, Apartment, etc.
    #lookup.urbanization = '' ##PR Addresses ONLY = city
    lookup.state = state
    lookup.zipcode = zipcode
    lookup.candidates = 1
    lookup.match = 'Invalid'

    except exceptions.SmartyException as err:

    result = lookup.result

    if not result:
        print("No candidates. This means the address is not valid.")

    first_candidate = result[0]

    print("Address is valid. (There is at least one candidate)\n")
    print("ZIP Code: " + first_candidate.components.zipcode)
    print("County: " + first_candidate.metadata.county_name)

    for c, candidate in enumerate(lookup.result):
        print("- {}: {}, {}, {}".format(c, candidate.delivery_line_1, candidate.last_line, candidate.metadata.county_name))

##Runs function     
df.apply(run(address = 'Street1',  city = 'City', state = 'State', zipcode = 'Zipcode'))

当这个 运行s 时,我得到以下错误:

TypeError: ("'NoneType' object is not callable", 'occurred at index Steet1')

据我所知,存在一些问题。首先,你的字典调用第一列 'Steet1' 但那应该是 'Street1'。其次,我认为这不是 apply 的正确用法。如果您想做这样的事情,我建议您进行以下更改。

def run(row):
    address = row['Street1']
    city = row['City']
    state = row['State']
    zipcode = row['Zipcode']
df.apply(run, axis = 1)

试试看,如果能解决问题,请告诉我。另外,这里因为你只是用函数 run 打印东西,你可以用 for 循环循环并调用函数,不一定需要使用 apply,但那说它仍然应该工作。