SQL 服务器 - 带有 xml 命名空间和交叉应用的子查询

SQL Server - subquery with xmlnamespaces and cross apply


;with xmlnamespaces ('http://thatonecompany.com/rest/model' as ns1)
 select id,
        isnull(null, cast(substring(p.col.value('(./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 24, len(p.col.value('(./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'))) as integer)) loc_id
   from MyOldXMLTable mo
   cross apply mo.x.nodes('/ns1:Entities/ns1:Entity/ns1:Attribute') as p(col)
where p.col.value('@name', 'nvarchar(max)') = 'foundTheRightOne'
  and mo.id < 10 


| id | loc_id |
|  3 |     47 |
|  4 |     47 |
|  5 |     47 |
|  6 |     47 |
|  7 |     47 |
|  8 |     47 |
|  9 |     47 |


select * from (
;with xmlnamespaces ('http://thatonecompany.com/rest/model' as ns1)
 select id,
        isnull(null, cast(substring(p.col.value('(./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 24, len(p.col.value('(./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'))) as integer)) loc_id
   from MyOldXMLTable mo
   cross apply mo.x.nodes('/ns1:Entities/ns1:Entity/ns1:Attribute') as p(col)
where p.col.value('@name', 'nvarchar(max)') = 'foundTheRightOne'
  and mo.id < 10 ) as aa

...然后加入它,但是没有。由于 ;WITH 和交叉应用,我不断收到语法错误。有人知道我应该怎么做吗?

WITH XMLNAMESPACES 适用于整个查询(非常方便,声明一次命名空间并在查询中的任何地方使用它们)。 您还可以使用 xquery/inline 名称空间声明,它们往往过于冗长。

create table #myoldxmltable
    id int identity(1,1) primary key clustered,
    x xml

insert into #myoldxmltable(x)
values(N'<ns1:Entities xmlns:ns1="http://thatonecompany.com/rest/model">  
      <ns1:Attribute name="foundTheRightOne">
        <ns1:Entity href="http://test123.com/abc/1234567" />

--simple derived/as
with xmlnamespaces ('http://thatonecompany.com/rest/model' as ns1)
select *
 select id,
        isnull(null, cast(substring(p.col.value('(./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 24, len(p.col.value('(./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'))) as integer)) loc_id
   from #myoldxmltable mo
   cross apply mo.x.nodes('/ns1:Entities/ns1:Entity/ns1:Attribute') as p(col)
where p.col.value('@name', 'nvarchar(max)') = 'foundTheRightOne'
  and mo.id < 10
) as aa;

--join with another table
with xmlnamespaces ('http://thatonecompany.com/rest/model' as ns1)
select *
 select id,
        isnull(null, cast(substring(p.col.value('(./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 24, len(p.col.value('(./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'))) as integer)) loc_id
   from #myoldxmltable mo
   cross apply mo.x.nodes('/ns1:Entities/ns1:Entity/ns1:Attribute') as p(col)
where p.col.value('@name', 'nvarchar(max)') = 'foundTheRightOne'
  and mo.id < 10
) as aa
join sys.columns as o on aa.id = o.column_id and o.object_id = 3; --sql2019 , abysmal execution !!??!!

--a different flavor, xquery namespace declaration (way too verbose)
--compare this with the query using xmlnamespaces
select *
 select id,
        isnull(null, cast(substring(p.col.value('declare namespace ns1="http://thatonecompany.com/rest/model";(./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 24, len(p.col.value('declare namespace ns1="http://thatonecompany.com/rest/model"; (./ns1:Entity/@href)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'))) as integer)) loc_id
   from #myoldxmltable mo
   cross apply mo.x.nodes('
   declare namespace ns1="http://thatonecompany.com/rest/model";  
   /ns1:Entities/ns1:Entity/ns1:Attribute') as p(col)
where p.col.value('@name', 'nvarchar(max)') = 'foundTheRightOne'--no need for ns1 declaration, path just references an attribute, no ns1
  and mo.id < 10
) as aa;

drop table #myoldxmltable;