HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGuid 是唯一的吗?

Is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGuid unique?

这个 page 说了以下内容:

In the Windows registry is a key called MachineGUID that has a UUID which is created by Windows during installation and should in theory be unique to the machine. In practice this is not the case and I have often come across duplicates of this ID between machines.

我不明白为什么它不是唯一的,我的意思是 Windows 是否使用了一些弱算法来生成此 GUID 或其他东西?

如果一台机器是从备份或克隆中恢复的(例如在灾难恢复、实验室推出或快速 VM 部署场景中),那么 MachineGuid 值在多台机器上将是相同的。

我注意到键值本身是 read/write,因此 post-setup 或 userland 应用程序也可以覆盖它,甚至是重复的非唯一值。