有没有办法在 SAS 注释周围创建一个星号框?

Is there a way to create a box of asterisks around a SAS comment?

我想知道是否有一种方法可以在 SAS 中围绕评论快速创建一个框。目前,您可以使用命令 Ctrl + Shift + / 创建评论,例如

/*This is a comment*/
/*This is the second line of the comment*/


/* This is a comment                      */
/* This is the second line of the comment */




这是一个非常快速的方法,它只是插入一个设定长度的 /*****/,但其中可能有足够的功能来根据您的评论长度正确设置它的长度。




%macro comment_box(comment, delimiter='/');
    /* count the number of line using the delimiter */ 
    %let line_count = %sysevalf(%sysfunc(countc(%str(&comment.), &delimiter.)) + 1);
    %let max_line_len = 0;
    /* loop through to split the text into lines measure the line length including leading&trailing blanks */
    %do x=1 %to &line_count.;
        %let line&x. = %scan(%str(&comment.), &x., &delimiter.);
        %let line&x._len = %sysevalf(%length(%str(&&line&x..)) + 2);
        %if &&line&x._len. > &max_line_len. %then %let max_line_len = &&line&x._len.;

    /* Create the top/bottom box line matching to the max text line length */
    /* Add the comment box to the log using PUT statements. */
    option nonotes;
    data _null_;
        line_count = &line_count.;
        max_line_len = &max_line_len.;
        box_line = cat('/*', repeat('*', max_line_len - 1), '*/');
        %do x=1 %to &line_count.;
            %if &max_line_len. = &&line&x._len. %then %do;
                line&x. = cat('/* ', "&&line&x..", ' */');
            %else %do;
                line&x. = cat('/* ', "&&line&x..", repeat(' ', %sysevalf(&max_line_len. - &&line&x._len. - 1)), ' */');
        /* add the comment box to the log */
        put box_line;
        %do x=1 %to &line_count.;
            put line&x.;
        put box_line;
    option notes;

%comment_box(%str(This is a comment/This is the second line of the comment));
%comment_box(%str(This is a comment+This is the second line of the comment), delimiter= '+');