
How to specify the type of a vector of fixed size?

我正在尝试使用 Data.Vector.Fixed 作为函数的输入,并且正在努力在类型签名中指定向量的维度。


acronym :: Vector (Peano 8) String -> String
acronym = foldl1 (++)

并因此使用 Data.Vector.Fixed.Cont 中定义的 peano 数指定向量的维度 (8)。


...:12: error:
    * Expected a type, but
      `Vector (Peano 8) String' has kind
    * In the type signature:
        acronym :: Vector (Peano 8) String -> String
61 | acronym :: Vector (Peano 8) String -> String
   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

...:20: error:
    * Expected kind `* -> *', but `Peano 8' has kind `PeanoNum'
    * In the first argument of `Vector', namely `(Peano 8)'
      In the type signature: acronym :: Vector (Peano 8) String -> String
61 | acronym :: Vector (Peano 8) String -> String



{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, GADTs #-}
import qualified Data.Vector.Fixed as V
acronym :: (V.Vector v String, V.Dim v ~ 8) => v String -> String
acronym = V.foldl1 (++)

类型 class 约束 Vector v String 表示 v 是一个元素类型为 String 的向量,而约束 Dim v ~ 8 确保它具有大小合适。


import qualified Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed as BV
import qualified Data.Vector.Fixed.Cont as CV
eight = ["one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight"]
main = do
  print $ acronym (V.fromList eight :: BV.Vec 8 String)
  print $ acronym (V.fromList eight :: CV.ContVec 8 String)