在 C++ 中将复制构造函数 and/or 赋值运算符与字符串一起使用时发生堆栈溢出

stack overflow when using copy constructor and/or assignment operator with string in c++

我正在尝试 运行 对我自己制作的简单 class 进行插入排序,它具有几个字段(int、float 和 string)以及一个复制构造函数,赋值运算符和“>”运算符。

但是,当我 运行 下面的代码时出现堆栈溢出。 visual studio 告诉我它来自 'Student' class 中的 getName() 函数。错误源于我的插入排序函数中的赋值 arr[i + 1] = arr[i];

有人知道这是为什么吗?我对 C++ 比较陌生,主要来自 java 背景。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Student {
    Student(string nm, int ID, float avg): name(nm), studentID(ID), overallAverage(avg) {}

    Student(const Student& rhs) : name(rhs.getName()), studentID(rhs.getStudentID()), overallAverage(rhs.getOverallAverage()) {}

    // copy and swap idiom
    Student& operator=(const Student& rhs) {
        Student copy = rhs;  // places a copy of rhs into copy using the copy constructor (copy will be cleaned up on return)
        swap(*this, copy); // move copy or rhs into this, this is a pointer to current object, *this dereferences the pointer
        return *this; 
    ~Student() {}

    bool operator>(const Student& rhs) {
        if (rhs.getOverallAverage() > overallAverage)
            return false;
        else return true; 

    string getName()const { return name; }
    int getStudentID()const { return studentID;  }
    float getOverallAverage()const { return overallAverage; }

    string name; 
    int studentID; 
    float overallAverage; 


template<typename T> 
vector<T>& insertionSort(vector<T>& arr){
    for (int j = 1; j < arr.size(); j++) {
        T key = arr[j]; 
        int i = j - 1; 
        while (i > -1 && arr[i] > key) {
            arr[i + 1] = arr[i]; 
            i = i - 1; 
        arr[i + 1] = key; 
    return arr; 

int main()
    vector<Student> students = {Student("russ",0,89),Student("Seb",1,75),Student("julia",2,85),

    students = insertionSort(students); 

    for (int i = 0; i < students.size(); i++) {
        cout << students[i].getName() << ", ";
    cout << endl;  

原始操作员= 来自我正在使用的 txtbook:

IntCell & operator= ( const IntCell & rhs ) // Copy assignment
IntCell copy = rhs;
std::swap( *this, copy );
return *this;


为了缓解这个问题,编写您自己的 swap 函数,在每个成员上调用 std::swap

class Student
   void swap(Student& left, Student& right)
        std::swap(left.name, right.name);
        std::swap(left.studentID, right.studentID);
        std::swap(left.overallAverage, right.overallAverage);