HQL 没有 return 值,即使生成 SQL 有
HQL does not return values even though generated SQL does
我遇到了这个有点奇怪的问题。 (也许我不明白)。我有以下 HQL 查询。
"select distinct b " +
"from Booking b " +
"inner join fetch b.telephoneNumber tp " +
"left join fetch tp.patients p " +
"where b.concluded = false and b.schedule.doctor.id = :did and b.bookingDate = :date";
query.setParameter("did", doctor.getId());
query.setParameter("date", date);
。当我调用 query.getResultList()
时,它没有 return 任何值。 (即使存在与给定条件匹配的值)。然后我启用休眠调试和跟踪日志以获取相关的 SQL 查询和值。
select distinct booking0_.id as id1_1_0_, telephonen1_.id as id1_11_1_, patient3_.id as id1_4_2_, booking0_.bookingDate as bookingD2_1_0_, booking0_.bookingReference as bookingR3_1_0_, booking0_.bookingUniqueId as bookingU4_1_0_, booking0_.channelRecord_id as channelR7_1_0_, booking0_.checkedIn as checkedI5_1_0_, booking0_.checkedInPatient_id as checkedI8_1_0_, booking0_.concluded as conclude6_1_0_, booking0_.schedule_id as schedule9_1_0_, booking0_.telephone_number_id as telepho10_1_0_, telephonen1_.isActive as isActive2_11_1_, telephonen1_.number as number3_11_1_, telephonen1_.securityToken as security4_11_1_, telephonen1_.token_id as token_id6_11_1_, telephonen1_.uniqueId as uniqueId5_11_1_, patient3_.birthDay as birthDay2_4_2_, patient3_.firstName as firstNam3_4_2_, patient3_.gender as gender4_4_2_, patient3_.height as height5_4_2_, patient3_.lastName as lastName6_4_2_, patient3_.picture as picture7_4_2_, patient3_.pictureContentType as pictureC8_4_2_, patient3_.weight as weight9_4_2_, patients2_.telephonenumber_id as telephon2_5_0__, patients2_.patient_id as patient_1_5_0__
from Booking booking0_
left outer join TelephoneNumber telephonen1_ on booking0_.telephone_number_id=telephonen1_.id
left outer join Patient_TelephoneNumber patients2_ on telephonen1_.id=patients2_.telephonenumber_id
left outer join Patient patient3_ on patients2_.patient_id=patient3_.id
cross join Schedule schedule4_
where booking0_.schedule_id=schedule4_.id and booking0_.concluded=0 and schedule4_.doctor_id=? and booking0_.bookingDate=?
2020-01-12 18:58:34 TRACE binding parameter [1] as [BIGINT] - [1]
2020-01-12 18:58:34 TRACE binding parameter [2] as [DATE] - [2020-01-12]
因此,如果将这些值添加到生成的 SQL 和 运行 直接针对数据库的查询中,那将给我两个结果(预期)。
每当我从 HQL 中删除 "date" 值时,它也会给出结果。关于为什么会发生这种情况的任何想法?
Hibernate version: 5.4.9.Final
DB: Mysql 8
Java 11 (Open JDK)
WildFly 18.
这背后的原因是时区问题。我的应用程序服务器和数据库服务器位于两个不同的时区。因此,每当您尝试通过 JDBC 进行检索时,由于此 [1].
但是直接 SQL 可以在数据库服务器上运行,没有时区问题。
所以我最初的方法是将以下 属性 添加到连接 URL(如 [1] 错误中所建议的)。它奏效了。
但是,作为永久解决方案,我将数据库服务器时区更改为应用程序服务器时区。 (我知道 UTC 是正确的方式,但我更喜欢这个。)
我遇到了这个有点奇怪的问题。 (也许我不明白)。我有以下 HQL 查询。
"select distinct b " +
"from Booking b " +
"inner join fetch b.telephoneNumber tp " +
"left join fetch tp.patients p " +
"where b.concluded = false and b.schedule.doctor.id = :did and b.bookingDate = :date";
query.setParameter("did", doctor.getId());
query.setParameter("date", date);
。当我调用 query.getResultList()
时,它没有 return 任何值。 (即使存在与给定条件匹配的值)。然后我启用休眠调试和跟踪日志以获取相关的 SQL 查询和值。
select distinct booking0_.id as id1_1_0_, telephonen1_.id as id1_11_1_, patient3_.id as id1_4_2_, booking0_.bookingDate as bookingD2_1_0_, booking0_.bookingReference as bookingR3_1_0_, booking0_.bookingUniqueId as bookingU4_1_0_, booking0_.channelRecord_id as channelR7_1_0_, booking0_.checkedIn as checkedI5_1_0_, booking0_.checkedInPatient_id as checkedI8_1_0_, booking0_.concluded as conclude6_1_0_, booking0_.schedule_id as schedule9_1_0_, booking0_.telephone_number_id as telepho10_1_0_, telephonen1_.isActive as isActive2_11_1_, telephonen1_.number as number3_11_1_, telephonen1_.securityToken as security4_11_1_, telephonen1_.token_id as token_id6_11_1_, telephonen1_.uniqueId as uniqueId5_11_1_, patient3_.birthDay as birthDay2_4_2_, patient3_.firstName as firstNam3_4_2_, patient3_.gender as gender4_4_2_, patient3_.height as height5_4_2_, patient3_.lastName as lastName6_4_2_, patient3_.picture as picture7_4_2_, patient3_.pictureContentType as pictureC8_4_2_, patient3_.weight as weight9_4_2_, patients2_.telephonenumber_id as telephon2_5_0__, patients2_.patient_id as patient_1_5_0__
from Booking booking0_
left outer join TelephoneNumber telephonen1_ on booking0_.telephone_number_id=telephonen1_.id
left outer join Patient_TelephoneNumber patients2_ on telephonen1_.id=patients2_.telephonenumber_id
left outer join Patient patient3_ on patients2_.patient_id=patient3_.id
cross join Schedule schedule4_
where booking0_.schedule_id=schedule4_.id and booking0_.concluded=0 and schedule4_.doctor_id=? and booking0_.bookingDate=?
2020-01-12 18:58:34 TRACE binding parameter [1] as [BIGINT] - [1]
2020-01-12 18:58:34 TRACE binding parameter [2] as [DATE] - [2020-01-12]
因此,如果将这些值添加到生成的 SQL 和 运行 直接针对数据库的查询中,那将给我两个结果(预期)。
每当我从 HQL 中删除 "date" 值时,它也会给出结果。关于为什么会发生这种情况的任何想法?
Hibernate version: 5.4.9.Final
DB: Mysql 8
Java 11 (Open JDK)
WildFly 18.
这背后的原因是时区问题。我的应用程序服务器和数据库服务器位于两个不同的时区。因此,每当您尝试通过 JDBC 进行检索时,由于此 [1].
,它会将您的日期转换为数据库时区但是直接 SQL 可以在数据库服务器上运行,没有时区问题。
所以我最初的方法是将以下 属性 添加到连接 URL(如 [1] 错误中所建议的)。它奏效了。
但是,作为永久解决方案,我将数据库服务器时区更改为应用程序服务器时区。 (我知道 UTC 是正确的方式,但我更喜欢这个。)