在 Ocaml 中检测无向图中的循环

Detect cycle in undirected graph in Ocaml

有人知道如何检测 OCaml 中的无向图中是否存在循环吗?


type 'a graph = { nodes : 'a list; edges : ('a * 'a * int) list }


let graph = { nodes = ['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd'; 'e'; 'f'; 'g'; 'h'; 'j';]; 
              edges = [('c', 'j', 9); ('d', 'e', 8); ('a', 'b', 8); ('b', 'c', 7); ('f', 'g', 6); ('b', 'h', 4); ('a', 'd', 4); ('g', 'h', 2); ('b', 'f', 2); ('e', 'g', 1)]}

在有向图和无向图中,使用 depth first search 检测循环的存在。粗略地说,您遍历一个图,如果遍历包含重复节点,则存在一个循环。

通常,使用额外的数据结构来标记已经访问过的节点。例如,我们可以使用集合数据结构(使用 vanilla OCaml),

module Nodes = Set.Make(struct 
                 type t = int
                 let compare = compare

let dfs {edges} f x = 
 let rec loop visited x = function
   | [] -> x 
   | (src,dst,data) :: rest -> 
     let x = f src data in
     let visited = Nodes.add src visited in
     if Nodes.mem dst visited 
     then loop visited x rest
     else ... in
  loop Nodes.empty x edges

您还可以使用命令式哈希 table 而不是纯函数集。还有一种算法,称为 Iterative Deepening DFS,它可以遍历循环图而不标记所有访问过的节点,这在你的图很大(并且不适合内存)时很有用。

除非你这样做是为了练习,否则我建议你使用 OCaml 中的一些现有图形库,例如 OCamlgraph (docs) or Graphlib (docs).


let edges_remove_edge edges edge =
  let (src, dst, _) = edge in
  let rec iter edges res = match edges with
    | [] -> res
    | ((s, d, _) as e)::edges ->
       if (s = src && d = dst) then
         res @ edges
         iter edges (e::res)
  in iter edges []


let graph_remove_edge graph edge =
  { nodes = graph.nodes;
    edges = edges_remove_edge graph.edges edge }


let choose_edge graph = match graph.edges with
  | [] -> None
  | e::_ -> Some e;;

let rec visit graph = match (choose_edge graph) with
  | None -> graph
  | Some e -> visit (graph_remove_edge graph e);;

# visit graph;;
- : char graph =
{nodes = ['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd'; 'e'; 'f'; 'g'; 'h'; 'j']; edges = []}

或者,您使用 ref 跟踪当前图表:

let visit2 graph =
  let g = ref graph in
  let rec v () = match (choose_edge !g) with
  | None -> ()
  | Some e -> begin g := graph_remove_edge !g e; v () end
  in v(); !g

我设法通过使用 union-find 数据结构来检测循环。


let create n =
    {parent = Array.init n (fun i -> i);
     rank = Array.init n (fun i -> 0)} 


let rec find uf i =
  let pi = uf.parent.(i) in
  if pi == i then
  else begin
     let ci = find uf pi in
     uf.parent.(i) <- ci;

一个对两组 x 和 y 进行并集的函数。它按等级使用联合:

let union ({ parent = p; rank = r } as uf) x y =
    let cx = find uf x in
    let cy = find uf y in
    if cx == cy then raise (Failure "Cycle detected") else  begin
       if r.(cx) > r.(cy) then
          p.(cy) <- cx
       else if r.(cx) < r.(cy) then
          p.(cx) <- cy
       else begin
          r.(cx) <- r.(cx) + 1;
          p.(cy) <- cx


let thereIsCycle c1 c2 g subset =
  let isCycle = try Some (union subset (findIndex c1 g.nodes) (findIndex c2 g.nodes)) with _ -> None in
      match isCycle with
     | Some isCycle -> false
     | None -> true

let rec findIndex x lst =
    match lst with
    | [] -> raise (Failure "Not Found")
    | h :: t -> if x = h then 0 else 1 + findIndex x t