重现 Haskell 镜头教程的问题

issues reproducing Haskell lens tutorial

我觉得我做错了什么,因为我什至无法重现 Haskell 的 lens tutorial:

> import Control.Lens
> data Point = Point { _x :: Double, _y :: Double } deriving (Show)
> data Atom = Atom { _element :: String, _point :: Point } deriving (Show)
> point = lens _point (\atom newPoint -> atom { _point = newPoint })
> :t point
point :: Functor f => (Point -> f Point) -> Atom -> f Atom
> point :: Lens' Atom Point = lens _point (\atom newPoint -> atom { _point = newPoint })

<interactive>:6:10: error:
    • Illegal polymorphic type: Lens' Atom Point
      Perhaps you intended to use RankNTypes or Rank2Types
    • In a pattern type signature: Lens' Atom Point
      In the pattern: point :: Lens' Atom Point
      In a pattern binding:
        point :: Lens' Atom Point
          = lens _point (\ atom newPoint -> atom {_point = newPoint})
> :set -XRankNTypes
> point :: Lens' Atom Point = lens _point (\atom newPoint -> atom { _point = newPoint })

<interactive>:8:29: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘(Point -> f0 Point) -> Atom -> f0 Atom’
                     with ‘forall (f :: * -> *).
                           Functor f =>
                           (Point -> f Point) -> Atom -> f Atom’
      Expected type: Lens' Atom Point
        Actual type: (Point -> f0 Point) -> Atom -> f0 Atom
    • In the expression:
        lens _point (\ atom newPoint -> atom {_point = newPoint})
      In a pattern binding:
        point :: Lens' Atom Point
          = lens _point (\ atom newPoint -> atom {_point = newPoint})

f0Functor f 之间似乎确实存在一些差异。

不过,我这里的代码与教程中的代码没有什么不同,也没有多少 据我所知,扩展程序似乎在拯救我。


我在评论中证实了猜测。这是因为您将类型放在模式匹配中。它可能是一个微不足道的模式匹配,但它确实是一个模式匹配,因为它在 =.

的 LHS 上绑定了一个名称

Haskell 默认情况下甚至不允许这样做。在 GHC 中,您需要启用 ScopedTypeVariables 扩展才能被允许。当你这样做时,它会对多态性产生奇怪的影响。我不了解该功能与高级多态性之间的所有交互,但它肯定是单态化一个类型,并且还期望它是多态的。那是行不通的。


否则,只需使用普通的类型归属语法,即使您必须输入几个分号才能使其在 ghci 中工作:

point :: Lens' Atom Point ; point = lens _point (\atom newPoint -> atom { _point = newPoint })