使用 SAT 求解器 (Python) 查找特定区域内的所有自由多联骨牌组合

Finding all the combinations of free polyominoes within a specific area with a SAT-solver (Python)

我是 SAT 求解器领域的新手,需要有关以下问题的一些指导。


❶ 我在一个 4*4 的网格中选择了 14 个相邻的单元格

❷ 我有 5 polyominoes (A, B, C, D, E) 尺码 4, 2, 5, 2 和 1

❸ 这些多联骨牌是自由的,即它们的形状不固定,可以形成不同的图案

我如何使用 SAT 求解器计算所选区域(灰色单元格)内这 5 个自由多联骨牌的所有可能组合?

借用@spinkus 富有洞察力的回答和 OR-tools 文档,我可以制作以下示例代码(在 Jupyter Notebook 中运行):

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

import numpy as np
import more_itertools as mit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

W, H = 4, 4 #Dimensions of grid
sizes = (4, 2, 5, 2, 1) #Size of each polyomino
labels = np.arange(len(sizes))  #Label of each polyomino

colors = ('#FA5454', '#21D3B6', '#3384FA', '#FFD256', '#62ECFA')
cdict = dict(zip(labels, colors)) #Color dictionary for plotting

inactiveCells = (0, 1) #Indices of disabled cells (in 1D)
activeCells = set(np.arange(W*H)).difference(inactiveCells) #Cells where polyominoes can be fitted
ranges = [(next(g), list(g)[-1]) for g in mit.consecutive_groups(activeCells)] #All intervals in the stack of active cells

def main():
    model = cp_model.CpModel()

    #Create an Int var for each cell of each polyomino constrained to be within Width and Height of grid.
    pminos = [[] for s in sizes]
    for idx, s in enumerate(sizes):
        for i in range(s):
            pminos[idx].append([model.NewIntVar(0, W-1, 'p%i'%idx + 'c%i'%i + 'x'), model.NewIntVar(0, H-1, 'p%i'%idx + 'c%i'%i + 'y')])

    #Define the shapes by constraining the cells relative to each other

    ## 1st polyomino -> tetromino ##
    #                              #      
    #                              # 
    #            #                 # 
    #           ###                # 
    #                              # 

    p0 = pminos[0]
    model.Add(p0[1][0] == p0[0][0] + 1) #'x' of 2nd cell == 'x' of 1st cell + 1
    model.Add(p0[2][0] == p0[1][0] + 1) #'x' of 3rd cell == 'x' of 2nd cell + 1
    model.Add(p0[3][0] == p0[0][0] + 1) #'x' of 4th cell == 'x' of 1st cell + 1

    model.Add(p0[1][1] == p0[0][1]) #'y' of 2nd cell = 'y' of 1st cell
    model.Add(p0[2][1] == p0[1][1]) #'y' of 3rd cell = 'y' of 2nd cell
    model.Add(p0[3][1] == p0[1][1] - 1) #'y' of 3rd cell = 'y' of 2nd cell - 1

    ## 2nd polyomino -> domino ##
    #                           #      
    #                           # 
    #           #               # 
    #           #               # 
    #                           # 

    p1 = pminos[1]
    model.Add(p1[1][0] == p1[0][0])
    model.Add(p1[1][1] == p1[0][1] + 1)

    ## 3rd polyomino -> pentomino ##
    #                              #      
    #            ##                # 
    #            ##                # 
    #            #                 # 
    #                              #

    p2 = pminos[2]
    model.Add(p2[1][0] == p2[0][0] + 1)
    model.Add(p2[2][0] == p2[0][0])
    model.Add(p2[3][0] == p2[0][0] + 1)
    model.Add(p2[4][0] == p2[0][0])

    model.Add(p2[1][1] == p2[0][1])
    model.Add(p2[2][1] == p2[0][1] + 1)
    model.Add(p2[3][1] == p2[0][1] + 1)
    model.Add(p2[4][1] == p2[0][1] + 2)

    ## 4th polyomino -> domino ##
    #                           #      
    #                           # 
    #           #               #   
    #           #               # 
    #                           # 

    p3 = pminos[3]
    model.Add(p3[1][0] == p3[0][0])
    model.Add(p3[1][1] == p3[0][1] + 1)

    ## 5th polyomino -> monomino ##
    #                             #      
    #                             # 
    #           #                 # 
    #                             # 
    #                             # 
    #No constraints because 1 cell only

    #No blocks can overlap:
    block_addresses = []
    n = 0
    for p in pminos:
        for c in p:
            n += 1
            block_address = model.NewIntVarFromDomain(cp_model.Domain.FromIntervals(ranges),'%i' % n)
                model.Add(c[0] + c[1] * W == block_address)


    #Solve and print solutions as we find them
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()

    solution_printer = SolutionPrinter(pminos)
    status = solver.SearchForAllSolutions(model, solution_printer)

    print('Status = %s' % solver.StatusName(status))
    print('Number of solutions found: %i' % solution_printer.count)

class SolutionPrinter(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback):
    ''' Print a solution. '''

    def __init__(self, variables):
        self.variables = variables
        self.count = 0

    def on_solution_callback(self):
        self.count += 1

        plt.figure(figsize = (2, 2))
        plt.yticks(np.arange(0, H, 1.0))
        plt.xticks(np.arange(0, W, 1.0))

        for i, p in enumerate(self.variables):
            for c in p:
                x = self.Value(c[0])
                y = self.Value(c[1])
                rect = plt.Rectangle((x, y), 1, 1, fc = cdict[i])

        for i in inactiveCells:
            x = i%W
            y = i//W
            rect = plt.Rectangle((x, y), 1, 1, fc = 'None', hatch = '///')

问题是我硬编码了 5 个 unique/fixed 多联骨牌,我不知道 如何定义约束,以便考虑到每个多联骨牌的每个可能模式(前提是可以)。

对于每个 polyonomino 和每个可能的左上角单元格,您都有一个布尔变量,用于指示此单元格是否是封闭矩形的左上角部分。

对于每个单元格和每个 polyomino,您都有一个布尔变量,用于指示该单元格是否被该 polyomino 占用。

现在,对于每个单元格和每个 polyomino,你有一系列的含义:选择左上角的单元格意味着每个单元格实际上都被这个 polyomino 占用。

然后是约束条件: 对于每个单元格,最多有一个多联骨牌占据它 对于每个 polyomino,它的左上角恰好有一个单元格。


编辑: 我在原始答案中漏掉了 "free" 这个词,并使用 OR-Tools 给出了固定多联骨牌的答案。添加了一个部分来回答以包含免费多联骨牌的解决方案 - 结果证明 AFAICT 很难在使用 OR-Tools 的约束编程中精确表达。

使用 OR-TOOLS 修复的多联骨牌:

是的,你可以用 constraint programming in OR-Tools. OR-Tools knows nothing about 2D grid geometry so you have to encode the geometry of each shape you have in terms of positional constraints. I.e. a shape is a collection of blocks / cells that must have a certain relationship to each other, must be within the bounds of the grid and must not overlap. Once you have your constraint model you just ask the CP-SAT Solver 解决它,在你的情况下,所有可能的解决方案。

这是一个非常简单的概念证明,在 4x4 网格上有两个矩形(您可能还想添加某种解释器代码以从形状描述到一组 OR-Tools 变量和约束在更大规模的问题中,因为手动输入约束有点乏味)。

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

(W, H) = (3, 3) # Width and height of our grid.
(X, Y) = (0, 1) # Convenience constants.

def main():
  model = cp_model.CpModel()
  # Create an Int var for each block of each shape constrained to be within width and height of grid.
  shapes = [
      [ model.NewIntVar(0, W, 's1b1_x'), model.NewIntVar(0, H, 's1b1_y') ],
      [ model.NewIntVar(0, W, 's1b2_x'), model.NewIntVar(0, H, 's1b2_y') ],
      [ model.NewIntVar(0, W, 's1b3_x'), model.NewIntVar(0, H, 's1b3_y') ],
      [ model.NewIntVar(0, W, 's2b1_x'), model.NewIntVar(0, H, 's2b1_y') ],
      [ model.NewIntVar(0, W, 's2b2_x'), model.NewIntVar(0, H, 's2b2_y') ],

  # Define the shapes by constraining the blocks relative to each other.
  # 3x1 rectangle:
  s0 = shapes[0]
  model.Add(s0[0][Y] == s0[1][Y])
  model.Add(s0[0][Y] == s0[2][Y])
  model.Add(s0[0][X] == s0[1][X] - 1)
  model.Add(s0[0][X] == s0[2][X] - 2)
  # 1x2 rectangle:
  s1 = shapes[1]
  model.Add(s1[0][X] == s1[1][X])
  model.Add(s1[0][Y] == s1[1][Y] - 1)

  # No blocks can overlap:
  block_addresses = []
  for i, block in enumerate(blocks(shapes)):
    block_address = model.NewIntVar(0, (W+1)*(H+1), 'b%d' % (i,))
    model.Add(block[X] + (H+1)*block[Y] == block_address)

  # Solve and print solutions as we find them
  solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
  solution_printer = SolutionPrinter(shapes)
  status = solver.SearchForAllSolutions(model, solution_printer)
  print('Status = %s' % solver.StatusName(status))
  print('Number of solutions found: %i' % solution_printer.count)

def blocks(shapes):
  ''' Helper to enumerate all blocks. '''
  for shape in shapes:
    for block in shape:
      yield block

class SolutionPrinter(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback):
    ''' Print a solution. '''

    def __init__(self, variables):
        self.variables = variables
        self.count = 0

    def on_solution_callback(self):
      self.count += 1
      solution = [(self.Value(block[X]), self.Value(block[Y])) for shape in self.variables for block in shape]
      for y in range(0, H+1):
        print('|' + ''.join(['#' if (x,y) in solution else ' ' for x in range(0, W+1)]) + '|')

if __name__ == '__main__':


|    |
| ###|
|  # |
|  # |
|    |
| ###|
|   #|
|   #|
Status = OPTIMAL
Number of solutions found: 60


如果我们将单元格网格视为图形,则问题可以重新解释为 找到网格单元格的 k 分区,其中每个分区都有特定的大小,另外每个分区是 connected component. I.e. AFAICT there is no difference between a connected component and a polyomino 并且此答案的其余部分做出了该假设。

发现所有可能 "k-partitions of the cells of the grid where each partition has a specific size" 在 OR-Tools 约束规划中表达起来非常简单。但是 connectedness 部分是 hard AFAICT(我尝试了很长时间但失败了......)。我认为 OR-Tools 约束编程不是正确的方法。我注意到网络优化库的 OR-Tools C++ 参考在 connected components 上有一些内容可能值得一看,但我不熟悉它。另一方面,Python 中的朴素递归搜索解决方案非常可行。

这是一个 "by hand" 天真的解决方案。它非常慢,但对于您的 4x4 情况来说可以忍受。地址用于标识网格中的每个单元格。 (另请注意,wiki page 暗示像这种算法是一种天真的解决方案,看起来它建议一些更有效的解决类似的 polyomino 问题)。

import numpy as np
from copy import copy
from tabulate import tabulate

D = 4 # Dimension of square grid.
KCC = [5,4,2,2] # List of the sizes of the required k connected components (KCCs).
assert(sum(KCC) <= D*D)
VALID_CELLS = range(2,D*D)

def search():
  solutions = set() # Stash of unique solutions.
  for start in VALID_CELLS: # Try starting search from each possible starting point and expand out.
    marked = np.zeros(D*D).tolist()
    _search(start, marked, set(), solutions, 0, 0)
  for solution in solutions:  # Print results.
    print(tabulate(np.array(solution).reshape(D, D)))
  print('Number of solutions found:', len(solutions))

def _search(i, marked, fringe, solutions, curr_count, curr_part):
  ''' Recursively find each possible KCC in the remaining available cells the find the next, until none left '''
  marked[i] = curr_part+1
  curr_count += 1
  if curr_count == KCC[curr_part]: # If marked K cells for the current CC move onto the next one.
    curr_part += 1
    if curr_part == len(KCC): # If marked K cells and there's no more CCs left we have a solution - not necessarily unique.
      for start in VALID_CELLS:
        if marked[start] == 0:
          _search(start, copy(marked), set(), solutions, 0, curr_part)
    fringe.update(neighbours(i, D))
      j = fringe.pop()
      if marked[j] == 0:
        _search(j, copy(marked), copy(fringe), solutions, curr_count, curr_part)

def neighbours(i, D):
  ''' Find the address of all cells neighbouring the i-th cell in a DxD grid. '''
  row = int(i/D)
  n = []
  n += [i-1] if int((i-1)/D) == row and (i-1) >= 0 else []
  n += [i+1] if int((i+1)/D) == row and (i+1) < D**2 else []
  n += [i-D] if (i-D) >=0 else []
  n += [i+D] if (i+D) < D**2 else []
  return filter(lambda x: x in VALID_CELLS, n)

if __name__ == '__main__':


-  -  -  -
0  0  1  1
2  2  1  1
4  2  3  1
4  2  3  0
-  -  -  -
-  -  -  -
0  0  4  3
1  1  4  3
1  2  2  2
1  1  0  2
-  -  -  -
Number of solutions found: 3884

在 OR-Tools 中限制简单连接区域的一种相对直接的方法是将其边界限制为 circuit。如果你所有的多联骨牌的大小都小于 8,我们就不需要担心非单连的。

此代码找到所有 3884 个解决方案:

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

cells = {(x, y) for x in range(4) for y in range(4) if x > 1 or y > 0}
sizes = [4, 2, 5, 2, 1]
num_polyominos = len(sizes)
model = cp_model.CpModel()

# Each cell is a member of one polyomino
member = {
    (cell, p): model.NewBoolVar(f"member{cell, p}")
    for cell in cells
    for p in range(num_polyominos)
for cell in cells:
    model.Add(sum(member[cell, p] for p in range(num_polyominos)) == 1)

# Each polyomino contains the given number of cells
for p, size in enumerate(sizes):
    model.Add(sum(member[cell, p] for cell in cells) == size)

# Find the border of each polyomino
vertices = {
    v: i
    for i, v in enumerate(
        {(x + i, y + j) for x, y in cells for i in [0, 1] for j in [0, 1]}
edges = [
    for x, y in cells
    for edge in [
        ((x, y), (x + 1, y)),
        ((x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + 1)),
        ((x + 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1)),
        ((x, y + 1), (x, y)),
border = {
    (edge, p): model.NewBoolVar(f"border{edge, p}")
    for edge in edges
    for p in range(num_polyominos)
for (((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), p), border_var in border.items():
    left_cell = ((x0 + x1 + y0 - y1) // 2, (y0 + y1 - x0 + x1) // 2)
    right_cell = ((x0 + x1 - y0 + y1) // 2, (y0 + y1 + x0 - x1) // 2)
    left_var = member[left_cell, p]
    model.AddBoolOr([border_var.Not(), left_var])
    if (right_cell, p) in member:
        right_var = member[right_cell, p]
        model.AddBoolOr([border_var.Not(), right_var.Not()])
        model.AddBoolOr([border_var, left_var.Not(), right_var])
        model.AddBoolOr([border_var, left_var.Not()])

# Each border is a circuit
for p in range(num_polyominos):
        [(vertices[v0], vertices[v1], border[(v0, v1), p]) for v0, v1 in edges]
        + [(i, i, model.NewBoolVar(f"vertex_loop{v, p}")) for v, i in vertices.items()]

# Print all solutions
x_range = range(min(x for x, y in cells), max(x for x, y in cells) + 1)
y_range = range(min(y for x, y in cells), max(y for x, y in cells) + 1)
solutions = 0

class SolutionPrinter(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback):
    def OnSolutionCallback(self):
        global solutions
        solutions += 1
        for y in y_range:
                        for p in range(num_polyominos)
                        if self.Value(member[(x, y), p])
                    if (x, y) in cells
                    else "-"
                    for x in x_range

solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
solver.SearchForAllSolutions(model, SolutionPrinter())
print("Number of solutions found:", solutions)