Slim 4 中的路由中间件不会停止调用路由中的可调用对象

Route Middleware in Slim 4 doesn't stop invoking the callable in the route

我正在为 Slim4 中的授权中间件而苦恼。这是我的代码:

$app = AppFactory::create();
$app->add(new Authentication());

$app->group('/providers', function(RouteCollectorProxy $group){
    $group->get('/', 'Project\Controller\ProviderController:get');
})->add(new SuperuserAuthorization());



public function get(Request $request, Response $response): Response{
    $payload = [];
    foreach(Provider::all() as $provider){
        $payload[] = [
            'id' => $provider->id,
            'name' => $provider->name,
    return $response;

SuperuserAuthorization 看起来像这样

class SuperuserAuthorization{
    public function __invoke(Request $request, RequestHandler $handler): Response{
        $response = $handler->handle($request);
        $authorization = explode(" ", $request->getHeader('Authorization')[0]);
        $user = User::getUserByApiKey($authorization[1]);
        if(! Role::isSuperuser($user)){
            return $response->withStatus(403);//Forbidden
        return $response;

问题是,即使用户不是超级用户,应用程序也会继续执行。结果我得到 json 与所有供应商和 http 代码 403 :/

路由中间件不应该阻止请求进入应用程序并且立即 return 403 吗?

我知道我可以创建状态为 403 的新空响应,所以数据不会出来,但关键是请求永远不应该超出这个中间件,我是对的还是我只是误解了什么这里…



感谢@Nima 我解决了。更新后的中间件版本为:

class SuperuserAuthorization{
    public function __invoke(Request $request, RequestHandler $handler): Response{
        $authorization = explode(" ", $request->getHeader('Authorization')[0]);
        $user = User::getUserByApiKey($authorization[1]);
        if(! Role::isSuperuser($user)){
            $response = new Response();
            return $response->withStatus(403);//Forbidden
        return $handler->handle($request);

Shouldn't route middleware stop the request from getting into the app and just return 403 right away?

Slim 4 使用 PSR-15 compatible middlewares. There is good example 如何在 PSR-15 元文档中实现授权中间件。如果您不想进一步处理请求,则需要避免调用 $handler->handle($request)

如您在示例中所见,如果请求未经授权,则会 returned 响应不同于 $handler->handle($request) 的 return 值。这意味着你的意思是:

I know that I can create new empty response with status 403, so the data won't come out, but the point is that the request should never get beyond this middleware



$app->group('/protected', function($group){
    $group->get('/', function($request, $response){
        $response->getBody()->write('Some protected response...');
        return $response;
})->add(function($request, $handler){
    // randomly authorize/reject requests
    if(rand() % 2) {
        // Instead of throwing an exception, you can return an appropriate response
        throw new \Slim\Exception\HttpForbiddenException($request);
    $response = $handler->handle($request);
    $response->getBody()->write('(this request was authorized by the middleware)');
    return $response;

要查看不同的响应,请访问 /protected/ 路径几次(记住中间件随机操作)