Python - 不合适

Python - wrrong fit

我正在尝试重现一个已知的拟合结果(在期刊论文中报告):将幂律模型应用于数据。从下面的图 A 中可以看出,我能够使用已知的最佳拟合参数重现结果。

< Plot-A:文献中的已知结果>


< Plot-B:来自 curve_fit 和 lmfit 的不正确拟合 >

案例-A returns,

OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated(如果我省略了几个初始数据点,拟合returns一些结果还不错,但与已知的最佳拟合结果仍然不同)。 编辑: 现在,我这次刚刚发现了新的附加错误消息..: (1) RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in power (2) RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power


RuntimeError: Optimal parameters not found: Number of calls to function has reached maxfev = 5000. 如果我将 maxfev 设置得更高以考虑到此错误消息,则拟合有效,但 returns 结果不正确(与最佳拟合结果相比,拟合非常错误)。


Since you plot the data on a log-log plot, are you also fitting with the log(y) and log(x)? Since your y data varies by 5 or 6 orders of magnitude, if you are not fitting in log-space, only those 3 or 4 data points with the highest y value will matter.

显然这个暗示有点太微妙了。所以我会更直接:如果你在 log-space 中绘图,FIT IN LOG SPACE。

而且,您的模型很容易从 negative**fraction 和 NaN 生成复数,这无疑会导致您的所有拟合出现问题。始终打印出最佳拟合参数和协方差矩阵。

因此,您可能需要对参数施加限制(当然,我不知道您的模型是否正确,或者实际上是您认为 "right answer" 使用的模型)。也许从这样的事情开始:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lmfit import Model
import numpy as np

# the data can be found at the end of this post.
xx, yy = np.genfromtxt('the_data', unpack=True)

# the BPL function
def bendp(x, A, x_bend, allo, alhi, c):
    numer = A * x**-allo
    denom = 1 + (x/x_bend)**(alhi-allo)
    out = (numer/denom) + c
    return  np.log(out)       ## <- TAKE THE LOG

mod = Model(bendp)
para = mod.make_params(A = 0.01, x_bend=1e-2, allo=1., alhi=2., c=1e-2)

# Note: your model is very sensitive # make sure A, x_bend, alhi, and c cannot be negative
para['A'].min = 0
para['x_bend'].min = 0
para['alhi'].min = 0
para['alhi'].max = 3
para['c'].min = 0

result =, para, x=xx) ## <- FIT THE LOG


plt.loglog(xx, yy, linewidth=0, marker='o', markersize=6)
plt.loglog(xx, np.exp(result.best_fit), 'r', linewidth=5)
