
Deserializing into sealed subclass based on value of field

我有一个字段,我想根据该 Json 对象上的值将其反序列化为密封子 class 的实例。

    "id": 1L,
    "some_array": [],
    "my_thing": {
      "type": "sealed_subclass_one",
      "other_thing": {
        "thing": "thing is a string"
  }, {
    "id": 2L,
    "some_array": [],
    "my_thing": {
      "type": "sealed_subclass_two",
      "other_thing": {
        "other_thing": "other_thing is a string too"


data class MyResponse(
  val id: Long

  val someArray: Array<Something>

  val myThing: MySealedClassResponse


sealed class MySealedClassResponse : Parcelable {
    data class SealedSubclassOne(
        val thing: String
    ) : MySealedClassResponse()

    data class SealedSubclassTwo(
        val otherThing: String
    ) : MySealedClassResponse()


kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: sealed_subclass_one 未在 class com.myapp.MyResponse


是否有一种简单的方法来注册 type 的值,以便在没有自定义序列化程序的情况下进行反序列化?

我相信如果您将 @SerialName("type") 更改为 @SerialName("sealed_subclass_one")(对于 SealedSubclassTwo 声明也是如此)它应该能够找到正确的序列化程序。

密封子类型的 SerialName 属性是为了将 json 的 type 属性与适当的子 class(以及相应的序列化程序实例)。

有关详细信息,请参阅 https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization/blob/master/docs/polymorphism.md#a-bit-of-customizing。但该文档的相关部分是:

By default, encoded type name is equal to class' fully-qualified name. To change that, you can annotate the class with @SerialName annotation