AngularJS 适用于哪些浏览器?

What browsers does AngularJS work with?

这可能是最常见的问题。但是没有关于浏览器版本的任何线索。另外,Angular site本身是这样说的。

What browsers does Angular work with?

我们 运行 针对以下浏览器的广泛测试套件:Chrome 的最新版本、Firefox、Safari 和 iOS 的 Safari,以及 Internet Explorer 版本 9 -11。有关支持旧版 IE 浏览器的更多详细信息,请参阅 Internet Explorer 兼容性。

如果浏览器未经测试,并不意味着它不能工作。您还可以期望浏览器与我们测试的浏览器共享大部分代码库,例如 Opera 15 或更新版本(使用 Blink 引擎)或各种 Firefox 衍生产品。

— AngularJS FAQ - What browsers does AngularJS work with?

但是,没有任何说明支持哪些版本。我用谷歌搜索,但找不到。谁让我知道哪些浏览器及其版本支持 angular 的哪个版本?

AngularJS 的浏览器支持:

Internet Explorer: 9+

1.2 版 及更高版本的 AngularJS 不支持 Internet Explorer 版本 6 或 7。
1.3 版 及更高版本的 AngularJS 不再支持 Internet Explorer 8。

歌剧 15+

Firefox、Safari 和 Google Chrome

Whosebug 问题中所述:Which versions of firefox does angularjs support?,因为他们说他们支持哪个 IE 版本而不是 Chrome、Safari 或 Firefox,可以安全地假设所有版本都在工作。

Version Support Status

Any version branch not shown in the following table (e.g. 1.6.x) is no longer being developed.

Version   Status              Comments
1.2.x     Long Term Support   Last version to provide IE 8 support
1.7.x     Long Term Support   See Long Term Support section below.

Long Term Support

At this time we will focus exclusively on providing fixes to bugs that satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

  • A security flaw is detected in the 1.7.x branch of the framework
  • One of the major browsers releases a version that will cause current production applications using AngularJS 1.7.x to stop working
  • The jQuery library releases a version that will cause current production applications using AngularJS 1.7.x to stop working.

— AngularJS Documentation - Version Support Status

根据AngularJS文档:Internet Explorer Compatibility,答案应该是IE 9。

AngularJS 1.3 has dropped support for IE8. Read more about it on our blog. AngularJS 1.2 will continue to support IE8, but the core team does not plan to spend time addressing issues specific to IE8 or earlier.

The project currently supports and will attempt to fix bugs for IE9 and above. The continuous integration server runs all the tests against IE9, IE10, and IE11.