SQL Select 来自两个表的不同记录

SQL Select Distinct Records From Two Tables

我正在尝试编写一个 SQL 语句,该语句将 return 一组不同的 CompanyNames 来自 table 基于最近的 SaleDate 指定日期范围从另一个 table。 T01 = 帐户 T02 = 转头

重要的领域是: T01.ID、T01.CompanyName T02.AccountID、T02.SaleDate

T01.ID = T02.AccountID

我想要 return 的是每个 CompanyName 的 Max SaleDate,没有任何重复的 CompanyNames,只有 Max(SaleDate) 作为 LastSale。我将使用 Where 子句来限制 SaleDate 范围。

我尝试了以下操作,但它 return 包含范围内所有 SalesDates 的所有记录。这导致同一家公司被多次列出。

当前 MS-SQL 查询

SELECT T01.CompanyName, T02.LastSale
    (SELECT DISTINCT ID, IsActive, ClassTypeID, CompanyName FROM Account) T01
    (SELECT DISTINCT AccountID, TransactionType, MAX(SaleDate) LastSale FROM TransHeader group by AccountID, TransactionType, SaleDate) T02
    ON T01.ID = T02.AccountID
WHERE ( ( T01.IsActive = 1 )AND 
        ( (Select Max(SaleDate)From TransHeader Where AccountID = T01.ID AND TransactionType in (1,6) AND SaleDate is NOT NULL) 
            BETWEEN '01/01/2016' AND '12/31/2018 23:59:00' AND (Select Max(SaleDate)From TransHeader Where AccountID = T01.ID AND TransactionType in (1,6) AND SaleDate is NOT NULL) IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY T01.CompanyName

我认为 FULL OUTER JOIN 是票证,但它不起作用,我被卡住了。


ID     CompanyName   IsActive   ClassTypeID
1      ABC123        1          1
2      CDE456        1          1
3      EFG789        1          1
4      Test123       0          1
5      Test456       1          1
6      Test789       0          1

示例数据 转头 table (T02)

AccountID  TransactionType  SaleDate
1          1                02/03/2012
2          1                03/04/2013 
3          1                04/05/2014
4          1                05/06/2014
5          1                06/07/2014  
6          1                07/08/2015 
1          1                08/09/2016
1          1                01/15/2016
2          1                03/20/2017
2          1                03/21/2017 
3          1                03/04/2017
3          1                04/05/2018
3          1                05/27/2018
4          1                06/01/2018
5          1                07/08/2018 
5          1                08/01/2018
5          1                10/11/2018
6          1                11/30/2018


CompanyName     LastSale    (Notes note returned in the result)
ABC123          01/15/2016  (Max(SaleDate) LastSale for ID=1)
CDE456          03/21/2017  (Max(SaleDate) LastSale for ID=2)
EFG789          05/27/2018  (Max(SaleDate) LastSale for ID=3)
Testing456      10/11/2018  (Max(SaleDate) LastSale for ID=5)

ID=4 & ID=6 are note returned because IsActive = 0 for these records.

一个选项是 select select 子句中的最大日期。

    select max(th.saledate)
    from transheader th
    where th.accountid = a.id
    and th.saledate >= '2016-01-01'
    and th.saledate < '2019-01-01'
  ) as max_date
from account a
where a.isactive = 1
order by a.id;

如果您只想显示销售日期在给定日期范围内的交易 headers,那么您可以将最大日期与帐户进行内部联接。为此,您必须按帐户对日期聚合进行分组:

select a.*, th.max_date
from account a
  select accountid, max(saledate) as max_date
  from transheader
  and saledate >= '2016-01-01'
  and saledate < '2019-01-01'
  group by accountid
) th on th.accountid = a.id
where a.isactive = 1
order by a.id;
select CompanyName,MAX(SaleDate) SaleDate from Account a
inner join Transheader b on a.id = b.accountid
group by CompanyName
order by 1