使用 RxJava 的 Room - 加入列表查询每个项目的数据

Room with RxJava - join list query with data of each item

我有一个 Android 应用程序,它使用 Room 和 RxJava。

假设我有两个表 box(id)ball(id, color, boxId)。 我需要一个查询 returns 所有盒子以及每种颜色的球数。

Flowable<List<BoxWithBallsCount>> getBallsWithCount();


BoxWithBallsCount(Box box, BoxCount boxCount)
BoxCount(String ballColor, int count)


public interface BoxDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM box")
    Flowable<List<Box>> getAll();

    @Query("SELECT ball.color, count(*) FROM box WHERE ball.boxId = :boxId GROUP BY ball.color")
    Flowable<List<BoxCount>> dificultQuery(String herdId);

现在我需要实现主要方法:BoxWithBallsCountreturns 列表可流动。 我该怎么做?





package com.mateuyabar.rx;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import io.reactivex.Flowable;

 * Extended RX functions
 * @author mateuyabar.com
public class RxFunctions {
     * For each item on the list published by the publisher, it will map it using the mapper, and will use the merger to create the merged result.
     * @return Publisher list of merged items
    static public <T, U, V> Flowable<List<V>> flatMapForEach(Flowable<List<T>> listPublisher, ItemMapper<T, U> mapper, Merger<T,U,V> merger){
        return listPublisher.flatMap(listItem -> addData(listItem, mapper, merger));

    static private <T, U, V> Flowable<List<V>> addData(List<T> listItem, ItemMapper<T,U> mapper, Merger<T,U,V> merger) {
            return Flowable.just(new ArrayList<>());

        List<Flowable<V>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for(T item : listItem){
                            .map(subQueryResult -> merger.merger(item, subQueryResult))
        return Flowable.combineLatest(result, objects -> asList(objects));

    static private <T> List<T> asList(Object[] objects) {
        List<T> reuslt = new ArrayList<>();
        for(Object object:objects){
            reuslt.add((T) object);
        return reuslt;

    public interface ItemMapper<T, U>{
        Flowable<U> subQuery(T item);

    public interface Merger<T, U, V>{
        V merger(T item, U subquery);