如何分别使用 TermDocumentMatrix() 和 DocumentTermMatrix() 解决数据丢失和错误?

How do I resolve dataloss & error with TermDocumentMatrix() and DocumentTermMatrix(), respectively?

我有 1000 个样本的 Twitter 数据。并尝试对它们进行一些 tf 和 tf-idf 分析,以衡量每个表情符号在推文中的重要性。共有437个独特表情,810条推文。

我目前的问题是 TermDocumentMatrix,所有条款都没有显示。然而,对于 DocumentTermMatrix 存在一个我无法解决的错误。这是一个有效的代码片段:


#These are NOT from the my data, these are random fake bios I found online just to make this code snippet
tweets_data <- c("Sharp, adversarial⚔️~pro choice~ban Pit Bulls☠️~BSL️~aberant psychology~common sense~the Piper will lead us to reason~sealskin woman",
                 "Blocked by Owen, Adonis. Abbott & many #FBPE Love seaside, historic houses & gardens, family & pets. RTs & likes/ Follows may=interest not agreement ",
                 " #healthy #vegetarian #beatchronicillness fix infrastructure",
                 "LIBERTY-IDENTITARIAN. My bio, photo at Site Info. And kindly add my site to your Daily Favorites bar. Thank you, Eric",
                 "I #BackTheBlue for my son! Facts Over Feelings. Border Security saves lives! #ThankYouICE",
                 " I play Pedal Steel @CooderGraw & #CharlieShafter #GoStars #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder",
                 "#Englishman  #Londoner  @Chelseafc  ️‍♂️   ",
                 "F*** the Anti-White Agenda #Christian #Traditional #TradThot #TradGirl #European #MAGA #AltRight #Folk #Family #WhitePride",
                 "❄️Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.️❄️",
                 "Ordinary girl in a messed up World | Christian | Anti-War | Anti-Zionist | Pro-Life | Pro  | Hello intro on the Minds Link |")

emoticons_data <- c("","","","","")

TagSet <- data.frame(emoticons_data)
colnames(TagSet) <- "emoticon"

TextSet <- data.frame(tweets_data)
colnames(TextSet) <- "tweet"

myCorpus <- tm::Corpus(tm::VectorSource(TextSet$tweet))

tdm <- tm::TermDocumentMatrix(myCorpus, control= list(stopwords=T))

tdm_onlytags <- tdm[rownames(tdm)%in%TagSet$emoticon, ]

tm::inspect(tdm_onlytags) #Only shows 1 terms, and not 5
#View(as.matrix(tdm_onlytags[1:tdm_onlytags$nrow, 1:tdm_onlytags$ncol])) #just to see in new window

此外,如果我尝试执行 tf-idf,我只会收到错误消息。我环顾四周,但我不知道应该在哪里纠正我的错误。

tdm <- tm::as.DocumentTermMatrix(myCorpus, control= list(weighting= weightTfIdf))
tdm #Original= Error in dim(data) <- dim : dims [product 810] do not match the length of object [3]

这是我第一次使用 tm 包。

我稍微更改了你的原始数据,因为你的表情符号每个只在文本中出现一次,这将 tfidf 中的所有值都变为 1(见下文,我只是随机添加了几个)。我正在使用 quanteda 而不是 tm,因为它速度更快并且编码问题更少。


tweets_dfm <- dfm(TextSet$tweet)  # convert to document-feature matrix

tweets_dfm %>% 
  dfm_select(TagSet$emoticon) %>% # only leave emoticons in the dfm
  dfm_tfidf() %>%                 # weight with tfidf
  convert("data.frame")           # turn into data.frame to display more easily
#>    document <U+0001F914> <U+0001F4AA> <U+0001F603> <U+0001F953> <U+0001F37A>
#> 1     text1      1.39794            1            0            0            0
#> 2     text2      0.00000            0            1            0            0
#> 3     text3      0.00000            0            0            0            0
#> 4     text4      0.00000            0            0            0            0
#> 5     text5      0.00000            0            0            0            0
#> 6     text6      0.69897            0            0            0            0
#> 7     text7      0.00000            0            0            1            1
#> 8     text8      0.00000            0            0            0            0
#> 9     text9      0.00000            0            0            0            0
#> 10   text10      0.00000            0            0            0            0

列名称(即表情符号)在我的查看器中正确显示,应该可以导出结果 data.frame。


TagSet <- data.frame(emoticon = c("","","","",""),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

TextSet <- data.frame(tweet = c("Sharp, adversarial⚔️~pro choice~ban Pit Bulls☠️~BSL️~aberant psychology~common sense~the Piper will lead us to reason~sealskin woman",
                                "Blocked by Owen, Adonis. Abbott & many #FBPE Love seaside, historic houses & gardens, family & pets. RTs & likes/ Follows may=interest not agreement ",
                                " #healthy #vegetarian #beatchronicillness fix infrastructure",
                                "LIBERTY-IDENTITARIAN. My bio, photo at Site Info. And kindly add my site to your Daily Favorites bar. Thank you, Eric",
                                "I #BackTheBlue for my son! Facts Over Feelings. Border Security saves lives! #ThankYouICE",
                                " I play Pedal Steel @CooderGraw & #CharlieShafter #GoStars #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder",
                                "#Englishman  #Londoner  @Chelseafc  ️‍♂️   ",
                                "F*** the Anti-White Agenda #Christian #Traditional #TradThot #TradGirl #European #MAGA #AltRight #Folk #Family #WhitePride",
                                "❄️Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.️❄️",
                                "Ordinary girl in a messed up World | Christian | Anti-War | Anti-Zionist | Pro-Life | Pro  | Hello intro on the Minds Link |"),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)