NHibernate 流利映射到实体 属性

NHibernate fluent mapping to an entity property

我有一个名为 "Customers" 的 table,在这个 table 中有商店和办公室地址。在代码中有一个 Customer class,它有两个类型为 Address 的属性(一个用于 StoreAddressOfficeAddress)。

public class Customer
    public virtual int Id { get; set;}
    public virtual string Name {get;set;}
    public virtual string Email {get; set;}
    public virtual Address StoreAddress {get; set;}
    public virtual Address OfficeAddress {get; set;}

public class Address
    public string Address1 {get; set;}
    public string Address2 {get; set;}
    public string State {get; set;}
    public string City {get; set;}
    public string Zip  {get; set;}

我可以映射不属于实体类型地址的项目,但不确定如何映射到客户实体中的另一个实体 属性?..

Id(x => x.ID).Column("CustomerId");
Map(x => x.Name);
Map(x => x.Email);

我如何才能从 table 客户 table 映射到我的 StoreAddressOfficeAddress


References / many-to-one

References is for creating many-to-one relationships between two entities, and is applied on the "many side." You're referencing a single other entity, so you use the References method. #HasMany / one-to-many is the "other side" of the References relationship, and gets applied on the "one side."

Id(x => x.ID).Column("CustomerId");
Map(x => x.Name);
Map(x => x.Email);
// this is the fluent way for many-to-one
References(x => x.StoreAddress);
References(x => x.OfficeAddress); 

可在此处找到 References() 语法的完整概述:Mapping-by-Code - ManyToOne (作者 Adam Bar) - 这是关于按代码映射的, 但提供比较流畅的语法(post的后半部分)

您可以使用 component mapping:

Component(x => StoreAddress).ColumnPrefix("StoreAddress");
Component(x => OfficeAddress).ColumnPrefix("OfficeAddress");


public class AddressMap : ComponentMap<Address>
    public AddressMap()
        //map properterties