R - 作为函数列表的函数参数 - 检查参数而不评估?
R - function paramter that is list of functions--inspect parameter without evaluating?
编辑: 最初的反应表明我的文章将人们的注意力集中在最佳实践问题上,而不是技术问题上。然而,我想关注一个技术问题,下面只是一个玩具示例:
如果有人将列表传递给函数参数,您如何捕获和检查该列表的各个元素,而不冒系统尝试 call/evaluate 这些元素时出错的风险?
newfunc <- function(func.list){
假设newfunc() 可以采用的函数是nchar() 和length()。如果我们提供这些,我们会得到以下信息:
func.list = list(nchar, length)
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] 26
但是,假设 newfunc() 也可以使用 str_to_upper() 之类的东西,它来自包 stringr。传递 str_to_upper() 工作正常,但 only 如果 stringr 已预先加载:
func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper)
Error in lapply(func.list, function(f) f(letters)) :
object 'str_to_upper' not found
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper))
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] 26
[1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O"
[16] "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"
我想将代码放入可以调查列表元素并确定是否需要加载任何包(如 stringr)的函数中。另外,我想检查列出的函数是否来自可接受的集合(因此如果有人通过 mean()
或者更糟的是 rcorr()
来自未加载的 Hmisc).
# This works here but is undesireable:
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, mean))
# This creates issues no matter what:
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, rcorr))
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, rcorr))
我知道如何执行 func.list.test <- deparse(substitute(func.list)
(而且我不想对 func.list.test
的整体解析输出采取字符串操作的 hacky 路线)
非常适合这个用例,我想知道这是否可以用基本的 R 技术来完成。但是,如果是 best/only 方式,请随意解释如何使用 tidy evaluation/quosures 等较新的方法来做到这一点(尽管我知道目前我对这些方法的熟悉程度非常有限)。
这是一个纯 base
函数,它使用 find()
确定正在使用的函数,并使用 help.search()
resolve <- function( func.list )
## Disassemble the supplied list of functions (lfs)
lf <- as.list(substitute( func.list ))[-1]
lfs <- lapply( lf, deparse )
lfs <- setNames( lfs, lfs )
## Find functions (ff) in the loaded namespaces
ff <- lapply( lfs, find )
## Existing functions (fex) are listed in the order of masking
## The first element is used by R in the absence of explicit ::
fex <- subset( ff, lapply(ff, length) > 0 )
fex <- lapply( fex, `[`, 1 )
## Search for empty entries (ee) among installed packages
ee <- names(subset( ff, lapply(ff, length) < 1 ))
ee <- setNames( ee, ee )
eeh <- lapply( ee, function(e)
help.search( apropos = paste0("^", e, "$"),
fields = "name", ignore.case=FALSE )$matches$Package )
## Put everything together
list( existing = fex, to_load = eeh )
resolve(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, lag, between))
# List of 2
# $ existing:List of 3
# ..$ nchar : chr "package:base"
# ..$ length: chr "package:base"
# ..$ lag : chr "package:stats"
# $ to_load :List of 2
# ..$ str_to_upper: chr "stringr"
# ..$ between : chr [1:3] "data.table" "dplyr" "rex"
resolve(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, lag, between))
# List of 2
# $ existing:List of 4
# ..$ nchar : chr "package:base"
# ..$ length : chr "package:base"
# ..$ lag : chr "package:dplyr"
# ..$ between: chr "package:dplyr"
# $ to_load :List of 1
# ..$ str_to_upper: chr "stringr"
resolve(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, lag, between))
# List of 2
# $ existing:List of 4
# ..$ nchar : chr "package:base"
# ..$ length : chr "package:base"
# ..$ lag : chr "package:dplyr"
# ..$ between: chr "package:data.table"
# $ to_load :List of 1
# ..$ str_to_upper: chr "stringr"
编辑: 最初的反应表明我的文章将人们的注意力集中在最佳实践问题上,而不是技术问题上。然而,我想关注一个技术问题,下面只是一个玩具示例:
如果有人将列表传递给函数参数,您如何捕获和检查该列表的各个元素,而不冒系统尝试 call/evaluate 这些元素时出错的风险?
newfunc <- function(func.list){
假设newfunc() 可以采用的函数是nchar() 和length()。如果我们提供这些,我们会得到以下信息:
func.list = list(nchar, length)
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] 26
但是,假设 newfunc() 也可以使用 str_to_upper() 之类的东西,它来自包 stringr。传递 str_to_upper() 工作正常,但 only 如果 stringr 已预先加载:
func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper)
Error in lapply(func.list, function(f) f(letters)) :
object 'str_to_upper' not found
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper))
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] 26
[1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O"
[16] "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"
我想将代码放入可以调查列表元素并确定是否需要加载任何包(如 stringr)的函数中。另外,我想检查列出的函数是否来自可接受的集合(因此如果有人通过 mean()
或者更糟的是 rcorr()
来自未加载的 Hmisc).
# This works here but is undesireable:
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, mean))
# This creates issues no matter what:
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, rcorr))
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, rcorr))
我知道如何执行 func.list.test <- deparse(substitute(func.list)
(而且我不想对 func.list.test
的整体解析输出采取字符串操作的 hacky 路线)
非常适合这个用例,我想知道这是否可以用基本的 R 技术来完成。但是,如果是 best/only 方式,请随意解释如何使用 tidy evaluation/quosures 等较新的方法来做到这一点(尽管我知道目前我对这些方法的熟悉程度非常有限)。
这是一个纯 base
函数,它使用 find()
确定正在使用的函数,并使用 help.search()
resolve <- function( func.list )
## Disassemble the supplied list of functions (lfs)
lf <- as.list(substitute( func.list ))[-1]
lfs <- lapply( lf, deparse )
lfs <- setNames( lfs, lfs )
## Find functions (ff) in the loaded namespaces
ff <- lapply( lfs, find )
## Existing functions (fex) are listed in the order of masking
## The first element is used by R in the absence of explicit ::
fex <- subset( ff, lapply(ff, length) > 0 )
fex <- lapply( fex, `[`, 1 )
## Search for empty entries (ee) among installed packages
ee <- names(subset( ff, lapply(ff, length) < 1 ))
ee <- setNames( ee, ee )
eeh <- lapply( ee, function(e)
help.search( apropos = paste0("^", e, "$"),
fields = "name", ignore.case=FALSE )$matches$Package )
## Put everything together
list( existing = fex, to_load = eeh )
resolve(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, lag, between))
# List of 2
# $ existing:List of 3
# ..$ nchar : chr "package:base"
# ..$ length: chr "package:base"
# ..$ lag : chr "package:stats"
# $ to_load :List of 2
# ..$ str_to_upper: chr "stringr"
# ..$ between : chr [1:3] "data.table" "dplyr" "rex"
resolve(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, lag, between))
# List of 2
# $ existing:List of 4
# ..$ nchar : chr "package:base"
# ..$ length : chr "package:base"
# ..$ lag : chr "package:dplyr"
# ..$ between: chr "package:dplyr"
# $ to_load :List of 1
# ..$ str_to_upper: chr "stringr"
resolve(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, lag, between))
# List of 2
# $ existing:List of 4
# ..$ nchar : chr "package:base"
# ..$ length : chr "package:base"
# ..$ lag : chr "package:dplyr"
# ..$ between: chr "package:data.table"
# $ to_load :List of 1
# ..$ str_to_upper: chr "stringr"