
Can we move the baseLine in bar charts like we do in bipolar area chart?

在双极面积图中,我们可以将基线移动几个单位,以便我们可以比较基线值的数据。 例如。基线或间隔的开始是从 0 normally.I 想要让我的图表从 40 而不是 0 开始,我们也可以在条形图中做同样的事情吗? 在双极面积图中,我们在创建完成工作的系列时传递了一个特定的额外参数 const areaBipolar = xyChart.addAreaSeries({ baseline: 40, type: AreaSeriesTypes.Bipolar }) 但同样的方法似乎不适用于 RectangleSeries


const rectangles = chart.addRectangleSeries({ baseline: 4, type: RectangleSeriesTypes.Bipolar }) 
const rectangles = chart.addRectangleSeries({ baseline: 4, type: AreaSeriesTypest.Bipolar }) 

addRectangleSeries 没有 baseline 选项。

要实现您想要的效果,您需要更改矩形的 Y 轴或 X 轴坐标,具体取决于图表是垂直的还是水平的。

让我们以 LightningChart JS 交互示例的 Vertical Bars 示例作为工作的基本代码。此示例说明如何显示垂直条。在这个例子中,矩形从 0 行开始,并且有一些向上或向下的高度。要让这些矩形从 40 或任何其他值开始,您应该查找设置矩形尺寸的位置。在这种情况下是

// Create rect dimensions.
const rectDimensions = {
    x: x - figureThickness,
    y: 0,
    width: figureThickness,
    height: entry.value
// Add rect to the series.
const rect = rectangles.add(rectDimensions)

如果您将 y: 0 更改为您想要的基线,例如y: 40,矩形将从y = 40开始,并根据矩形的高度向上或向下。


// Extract required parts from LightningChartJS.
const {
} = lcjs

const lc = lightningChart()

const months = [
    'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
    'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
// Define an interface for creating vertical bars.
let barChart
    barChart = (options) => {
        // flat red fill style for positive bars
        const flatRedStyle = new SolidFill().setColor(ColorRGBA(242, 67, 79))
        // flat blue fill style for negative bars
        const flatBlueStyle = new SolidFill().setColor(ColorRGBA(42, 171, 240))

        let x = 0
        const figureThickness = 10
        const figureGap = figureThickness * .5
        const baseline = 40
        const bars = []

        // Create a XY-Chart and add a RectSeries to it for rendering rectangles.
        const chart = lc.ChartXY(options)
            .setTitle('Changes in electricity usage between 2017 and 2018')
            // Disable mouse interactions (e.g. zooming and panning) of plotting area

        // Bar series represented with rectangles.
        const rectangles = chart.addRectangleSeries()

        // cursor
        // Show band using Rectangle series.
        const band = chart.addRectangleSeries()
            .setCursorEnabled(false).add({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 })
            .setFillStyle(new SolidFill().setColor(ColorRGBA(255, 255, 255, 50)))
        // Modify AutoCursor.
        chart.setAutoCursor(cursor => cursor
            .setResultTable((table) => {
        // Change how series parses its data-points using series method.
        rectangles.setResultTableFormatter((builder, series, figure) => {
            let counter = 0
            // Find cached entry for the figure.
            const entry = bars.find((bar, index) => {
                counter = index;
                return bar.rect == figure
            // Parse result table content from values of 'entry'.
            return builder
                .addRow(`Month: ${months[counter]}`)
                .addRow(`Value: ${entry.value}%`)
        // Apply cursor logic using series.onHover method
        rectangles.onHover((_, point) => {
            if (point) {
                const figure = point.figure
                const dimensions = figure.getDimensionsPositionAndSize()
                // Show band.
                        x: dimensions.x - figureGap * .5,
                        y: figure.scale.y.getInnerStart(),
                        width: dimensions.width + figureGap,
                        height: figure.scale.y.getInnerInterval()
            } else

        // X-axis of the series
        const axisX = chart.getDefaultAxisX()
            // Disable default ticks.

        // Y-axis of the series
        const axisY = chart.getDefaultAxisY()

         * Add multiple bars.
         * @param entries Add multiple bars data.
        const addValues = (entries) => {
            for (const entry of entries) {
         * Add single bar.
         * @param entry Add a single bar data.
        const addValue = (entry) => {
         * Construct bar to draw.
         * @param entry Single bar data.
        const add = (entry) => {
            // Create rect dimensions.
            const rectDimensions = {
                x: x - figureThickness,
                y: baseline,
                width: figureThickness,
                height: entry.value
            // Add rect to the series.
            const rect = rectangles.add(rectDimensions)
            // Set individual color for the bar.
            rect.setFillStyle(entry.value > 0 ? flatRedStyle : flatBlueStyle)

            // Set view manually.
                -(figureThickness + figureGap),
                x + figureGap

            // Add custom tick, more like categorical axis.
                .setValue(x - figureGap)
                .setTextFormatter(_ => entry.category)
                .setMarker(marker => marker
                    .setBackground((background) => background
            x += figureThickness + figureGap
            // Return data-structure with both original 'entry' and the rectangle figure that represents it.
            return {

        // Return public methods of a bar chart interface.
        return {

// Use bar chart interface to construct series.
const chart = barChart()
// Add multiple bars at once.
    { category: '', value: 20 },
    { category: 'Q1', value: 20 },
    { category: '', value: -25 },
    { category: '', value: 40 },
    { category: 'Q2', value: 28 },
    { category: '', value: -23 },
    { category: '', value: -40 },
    { category: 'Q3', value: 35 },
    { category: '', value: 17 },
    { category: '', value: 24 },
    { category: 'Q4', value: -29 },
    { category: '', value: 15 }
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@arction/lcjs@1.2.2/dist/lcjs.iife.js"></script>
<div style="height: 100%;" id="target"></div>