Azure DevOps 服务器 - 如何将现有 collection/project 迁移到 SCRUM

Azure DevOps Server - How to migrate existing collection/project to SCRUM

我们确实将 TFS 2013 Update 2 升级到 Azure DevOps Server(本地),我们不确切知道我们所有的集合使用哪个模板,但我们想将其转换为 SCRUM。

是否可以将我们现有的 projects/collections 转换为该模板?

Is it possible to convert our existing projects/collections to this template?



You can change the process a team project uses from a system process or inherited process to an inherited process. You can only change team projects to use another process that inherits from the same system process. That is, you can change an Agile-based team project to any process you created from the Agile system process as well as to the Agile process. Whereas, you can't change a Scrum-based team project to an Agile-derived inherited process.

因此,无法为 Azure DevOps Server 中的现有 projects/collections 转换流程模板。

您可以基于 SCRUM 创建一个新的 projects/collections,然后将您的源代码和工作项移动到那个新的 projects/collections。对于源代码控制,您始终可以从稳定版本中分支出来,并保留旧项目。这样你就可以保留源历史。对于工作项,您可以将它们导出到 Excel,创建一个新的 Excel 到 Azure DevOps Server 的连接,连接到新的团队项目,然后复制工作项并将它们从新的 Excel 文件到新项目中。

顺便说一句,您可以学习使用 witadmin 来改变事物,但如果您在团队项目中有工作项,那不是最佳实践:

检查 this thread 了解一些细节。
