Google 视觉响应标签未以原始 JSON 格式返回

Google vision response labels not returning in raw JSON format

我试图让响应采用 JSON 格式,但出于某种原因 Google 的示例代码在响应中抛出一堆 {}。使用下面的代码我可以获得响应,但它不是 JSON 格式。

public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
        // Instantiates a client
        try (ImageAnnotatorClient vision = ImageAnnotatorClient.create()) {

            // The path to the image file to annotate
            String fileName = "src/main/resources/city-park.jpg";

            // Reads the image file into memory
            Path path = Paths.get(fileName);
            byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);
            ByteString imgBytes = ByteString.copyFrom(data);

            // Builds the image annotation request
            List<AnnotateImageRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>();
            Image img = Image.newBuilder().setContent(imgBytes).build();
            Feature feat = Feature.newBuilder().setType(Type.LABEL_DETECTION).build();
            AnnotateImageRequest request = AnnotateImageRequest.newBuilder()

            // Performs label detection on the image file
            BatchAnnotateImagesResponse response = vision.batchAnnotateImages(requests);



这是示例代码将打印的接近 JSON 但格式错误的内容。有什么方法可以正确格式化它吗?

responses {
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/02l215"
    description: "Reflection"
    score: 0.9883928
    topicality: 0.9883928
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/05h0n"
    description: "Nature"
    score: 0.98085856
    topicality: 0.98085856
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/03d28y3"
    description: "Natural landscape"
    score: 0.9740803
    topicality: 0.9740803
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/0838f"
    description: "Water"
    score: 0.9714835
    topicality: 0.9714835
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/038hg"
    description: "Green"
    score: 0.9620494
    topicality: 0.9620494
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/01bqvp"
    description: "Sky"
    score: 0.96003544
    topicality: 0.96003544
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/015s2f"
    description: "Water resources"
    score: 0.9593428
    topicality: 0.9593428
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/07j7r"
    description: "Tree"
    score: 0.9462387
    topicality: 0.9462387
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/01fnns"
    description: "Vegetation"
    score: 0.9326158
    topicality: 0.9326158
  label_annotations {
    mid: "/m/02yq2x"
    description: "Reflecting pool"
    score: 0.8776601
    topicality: 0.8776601

编辑:我想对我的 post 进行快速编辑,因为虽然这里的所有答案都很棒并且对我有所帮助,但我发现这正是它以我想要的方式工作的原因。
String theData =;

BatchAnnotateImagesResponse class extends but it does not generate JSON by default. You need to set JsonFactory. You can choose provider: JacksonFactory, GsonFactory 或其他。之后,toString 方法应该生成有效的 JSON。示例:

