定义 lambda 时 [&] 是什么意思?

What does [&] mean when defining a lambda?

method reference documentation中有一些示例代码,复制如下:

char8 GetNext()
    if (i >= str.Length)
        return 0;
    return str[i++];

/* Allocates a delegate bound to GetNext() */
delegate char8() strDlg = scope => GetNext;

strDlg = scope () =>
    return 'A';

strDlg = scope [&] () =>
    return GetNext();

/* This delegate owns a string */
String tempStr = new String(str);
strDlg = scope [&] () =>
    return str[i++];
    delete tempStr;

在三个 lambda 定义示例中的两个中,在分配表达式 (scope) 和 lambda 的参数之间有一个 [&]。那是什么[&]

有关其他示例,以下是测试的一些摘录 included in the IDE source

struct Splattable
    public int32 mA = 10;
    public int16 mB = 200;

    public void TestLambda() mut
        delegate int(ref int a, ref int b) dlg = scope [&] (a, b) => 
            a += 20;
            b += 30;
            return mA + a + b;

        mA = 100;
        int testA = 8;
        int testB = 9;
        Test.Assert(dlg(ref testA, ref testB) == 100+1 + 20+8 + 30+9);
        Test.Assert(testA == 28);
        Test.Assert(testB == 39);
        Test.Assert(mA == 101);

class ClassA
    public int mA;

    public void TestLambda()
        delegate int(ref int a, ref int b) dlg = scope (a, b) => 
            a += 20;
            b += 30;
            return mA + a + b;

        mA = 100;
        int testA = 8;
        int testB = 9;
        Test.Assert(dlg(ref testA, ref testB) == 100+1 + 20+8 + 30+9);
        Test.Assert(testA == 28);
        Test.Assert(testB == 39);
        Test.Assert(mA == 101);

这是另一组 example/tests from the IDEHelper part of the source code,其中每个 lambda 定义都有 [&]:

using System;

namespace Tests
    class Lambdas
        static void TestBasics()
            int a = 1;

            Action act = scope [&] () =>
                Action act2 = scope [&] () =>
                    a += 100;

            Test.Assert(a == 101);

        static int Add3<T>(T func) where T : delegate int()
            return func() + func() + func();

        static void TestValueless()
            Test.Assert(Add3(() => 100) == 300);

            int a = 20;
            int result = Add3(() => a++);
            Test.Assert(result == 63);

        static void LambdaWithDtor()
            int a = 10;
            int b = 20;

                delegate void() dlg = scope [&] () =>

            Test.Assert(a == 11);
            Test.Assert(b == 21);

            delegate void() dlg = new [&] () =>
                a += 100;
                b += 200;
            Test.Assert(a == 111);
            Test.Assert(b == 21);
            delete dlg;
            Test.Assert(b == 221);

最后,[&] 可能不是严格意义上的 lambda。我可以把它放在其他定义中,比如 let s = new [&] String(); 并且它编译没有问题,据我所知运行结果与没有它时相同。但是,我还没有在 example/test 代码的其他任何地方看到它。

[&] 表示通过引用而不是通过值捕获任何引用的局部变量。

在示例中,对于 ClassA this 正在按值传递给 lambda。有效:this.mA++;